Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

If the extend the this lockdown I can’t see people following it. Folks are fed up with this lockdown.

Hard to tell. Maybe early on in level 5 it brought the numbers down. By that metric and that alone, you could call it “working” I suppose.

Level 3 was a much better balance in my opinion.

That’s it, level 3 was basically level 5 for 90% of people. the 5km thing is being completely ignored and way more businesses open, creches still open etc. Only retail workers really who are suffering and a fair chunk of them still working as well.

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Officials, which included the secretary general of the Department of the Taoiseach Martin Fraser, the State’s most senior civil servant, also complained to Dr Holohan that Nphet members were seeking to pressure the Government with a series of media appearances.

One source said it was “made clear” to Nphet “that the Government will make the decision” on reopening, scheduled for December 1st. Another source confirmed that the Nphet “media strategy” was strongly criticised as some senior officials believed that its members are seeking to influence Government decisions through the media.

How does contact tracing work with mink?

Danny McCoy from IBEC made a similar point on the radio yesterday morning

The problem with that is that a lot of the public see NPHET as all knowing experts who can do no wrong. Remember the shite when the government delayed Level 5 of people saying “if they went Level 5 when NPHET wanted to we’d be out of it by now” which was an absolute load of shite

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We aren’t really in the original level 5 are we? We are more in a level 4 type lock down and people by and large have thrown their hat at it.

Right, of the 3, that’s the most obvious one.

Zero hours means you wouldn’t get the Covid payment because you technically don’t have any hours?
Or you get the lower one?

Actually @Rocko, I was extremely struck by the tone of the Irish Times report earlier in the week that the Gardai had privately shot down the proposed new anti-drinking restrictions. So many unnamed senior sources in the Gardai slagging the shit out of the government - the Guards were literally saying that the government had completely reversed its policy on the basis of one social media post. All the unnamed senior sources was more reminiscent of that kind of thing you’d read in the Independent or from Paul Williams than the Irish Times. I think “unprecedented” is the word I want.


Easy, kill 'em all.

Maybe if the lads in NPHET got control of the outbreaks in hospitals they run then maybe numbers might keep coming down?


I never met a mink that I liked anyway.

Essentially we don’t know, and aren’t bothering our holes to find out. @EstebanSexface says this is a reasonable approach buy I can’t see why.

George Lee was on this morning about about the HIQA report. It was put to him that we don’t have much or any data from Ireland on where outbreaks are happening. Yes but we have international data says George, from Korea and places, sure a pub is a pub. That’s utter bollox. There are so many additional factors at play.

I’ve been banging on about this for ages now but the NPHET led approach we have in Ireland doesn’t appear to want to grapple with detail in order to focus on reopening or living with covid. They are not motivated to learn what can and should reopen. They don’t know and don’t want to know. They don’t want anything that will attach responsibility, it is far easier for them to recommend staying closed. I still think that this approach is caused by the chastening the group got at very high death rate Ireland experienced in the first wave after the very bad job we did of managing it. Since then the approach had been ultra cautious.


Or even one that you didn’t like.

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Maybe - just maybe… if we had bothered using covid centres instead of using public hospitals we would have had half the number’s we’ve had? - Covid only in - no covid out.

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Just waiting for @TreatyStones to come in now with a ‘I’ll get my coat’ punchline…

A pub is a pub but a school isn’t a school.
By the way, Korean pubs are mostly all sitting and Koreans mostly eat food with their drinks, although there are obviously plenty of normal Irish-style bars too.

In fairness the guards are at the coal face, they know the public think the restrictions are a cod. The guards will have the deal with the long term resentment of the public if they implement a heavy handed approach to these purposed restrictions. They have a very strong connection and trust with the public and don’t want to lose it. They went along woth the show and pony show of roadblocks as it was only a small inconvenience and they have picked up a few more stolen goods and out of date tax discs which boost their numbers. Fair play to them letting the government know when they are over playing their hand with threats


The whole blaming students in limerick on the same day over 220 staff call in sick with covid or close contacts in the regional says enough about sweepong the problem under the carpet

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