Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

That’s my understanding yeah. My mate in aer Lingus said there was staff whose wages had been cut to less than the PUP. They wouldn’t let them go though, they wanted them to resign so they wouldn’t have to pay redundancy.

A lot of talk about how work is valued following the last lockdown where it was the lowest paid kept everyone else going. Be great if we actually took some action to recognise the value of work, like making sick pay mandatory for example.

Zero hours contracts shouldn’t exist in the first place.


Yeah that was crazy reactionary stuff. I know an unnamed government party with pro environment leanings were seething at colleagues from unnamed treaty parties who were losing all semblance of considered and rational thinking over a single tweet.


It’ll be hard to keep Hot Lips Holohan quiet at this stage.


I can’t believe it’s taken so long for someone to come with that :clap: :clap: :clap:

An awful stones of a man, but this is mildly amusing

Well if you were working in a meat factory for example and knew you would get sick pay, you might stay and home and not come to work and infect half the workforce.

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A lovely centrist view from Mario compared to his colleagues in the media. Long gone are the days of we are in this together.

The article I posted above outlined how Japan has focused on containing super spreader clusters. Some contrast to our approach. Despite all the warnings about meat plants we took no action to make them safer and when we had whole counties shut down due to the predictable outbreaks we instead focused our energy on demonising young people.


You are incredibly touchy about somebody blaming students for something, you’ve mentioned that many times now in the past 24 hours, i believe somebody said that it ‘may have contributed’ to something or other, nobody paid much attention bar you,
Was nothing else ever mentioned as a contributing factor? It’s time for you to move on from this

I heard something this morning to the effect of undertakers being asked not to post funeral details online so as to keep people away from guards of honour for funerals.

Is that really what we are about as a society, virus or no virus?

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Fur coat. No knickers.

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That’s the way it’s gone now.

Yep and there will be people who will be applauding this and saying pity it didn’t happen sooner. These are the same people who want to shut up everything and we all stay indoors till the virus is gone.

They’re the same people bitching about too many swimmers at the 40 Foot during lockdown

Who is asking them to do that?
That is fuckin outrageous.

Wait till it comes out that salt water protects you from the virus and if you have the virus it will kill it.

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I only heard that in passing this morning.

this is actually in place for a long time, but not being enforced too much

I agree with you. I referred to it as nonsense because I can’t see any quick fixes for any of those topics being implemented anytime soon.

We will be spoilt for choice regarding Covid vaccines before any of that changes.

That is pathetic.