Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

She’s outrageous.

She’s like a left wing cunt. Shouting yer man down.

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Finish her off. Yer man listening politely.

A nutter.

That lady in the shoe shop in Limerick is a great woman :clap: :clap:


If she is matching the public mood and NPHET then God help ye. That’s all I can say.

Click and collect.


My book shop.

Let’s help her fill out the PUP application form. For fuck sake.

She was some bibe.

I’ll buy a pair of shoes there if I’m ever allowed into the country again.

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I will break the 5k and head down to buy shoes in her shop tomorrow, its people like her who will get this country back on track


A professor of genetics lecturing the nation on infectious diseases.

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Get me a pair of tackies.

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Doneski :+1:

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Fair play to Mark Paul from The Irish Times making the case for retail workers. Not sure of her name but insisting on keeping things closed while laughing at being asked for evidence to support her case doesn’t help it.

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That was some geebag on prime time. She was worse than mcconkey or Ryan and that is saying something. A right immature wench used to screaming and venting at people.

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But at least she’s able to buy her bundle of books click and collect.

In extreme cases. I had mine out last year. Was at the specialist 3 times in a year and he was very reluctant until I almost suffocated on holidays when they flared up. Very painful recovery. @iron_mike send her to school if possible. She won’t be in school till after Christmas after the surgery regardless.

No, i was looking at legs!

Her name is Aoife MacLysaght and she obviously decided it’s her turn to get on the celebrity academic/medic wagon before it’s too late.


That’s the hilarious thing about this. NPHET and the government are justifying incredibly draconian measures here and putting hundreds of thousands out of work because of it. They should have to give every single comma, full stop, decimal point and letter of their evidence to do so

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Josepha Madiga on Matt Cooper. In the studio. Complaining people are not working from home. Do a zoom call Josepha. Just by being in studio You now have more close contacts today than most of us watching.

One rule for the proles

By God, I only read her name in an article today about the cosy relationship between these experts and the big pharma companies. She was mentioned beside Luke O’Neill and some other chap.