Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Was there any mention at the press conference about how encouraging todays swab figures were?

Where did I say they were not correct to keep them open? My issue is closing down retail and the majority of the economy

Heres one for ye now lads. The youngest is getting her tonsils out on the 9th of December. She’ll have to undergo a covid test two days before. Shes in junior cert. Would ye keep her out of school until then just to be sure like? I’m seriously thinking about it. Genuine question

I can’t think of any reason why you would keep her out of school, that’s over three weeks, why would you think of doing that? Genuinely



I dont know. On the off chance she picked it up. Shes had fierce trouble with her tonsils for years and it needs to be sorted

Chain her under the bed to be on the safe side altogether

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It’s only her tonsils kid. She can go again if necessary. 3 weeks is a long time.

BTW do they still take tonsils? I thought they’d more or less stopped that

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She’ll be absolutely fine.

I presume so. The wife had her with the specialist today. She’ll be put under anesthetic alrigh6 but apparently the procedure only takes 15 minutes

Actually when I think about it, if I was going to do that, the whole family would have to do the same. Shur look at me, travelling all four corners of the country every week. You silly cunt Michael

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Keep her in school, @iron_mike

Nobody wants to be in hospital, having a three week build up at home - while missing out on her school work in an exam year - won’t do her or you any good.

Better off to be in school with her friends, having a set routine rather than being stuck at home dreading going in for an operation.


You have to admire the likes of Colm Brophy, Damian English and Jennier Carroll McNeill coming on night after night saying the same old cliched nonsense.

We should be proud to be at level 5. Yeah, right we should.

Allowing obese people on telly sets a bad example for the Irish people


I admire Jennifer Carroll McNeill

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Virus me bollocks.


Ruin a generation of businesses so as we can save a handful of people.


That one in red is some pain in the whole.


She said that.

Fucking hell.

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Did you see the puss on her when your man was talking?