Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Send it to Donnelly, he will use it to bring in legislation to close the coffee shops and parks.

Need some staged footage of persons social distancing, coming across the RTE story and then going out to buy coffee and hang out with strangers in the park

I was attending to some business in Stillorgan earlier. Outside a world famous coffee shop there was outdoor tables/barrels and an impromptu gathering of aul lads drinking flat whites and americanos. One aul lad rocked up with ā€œany Craicā€
To a chorus of moans and groans. Their age demographic made it a virtual virus killing zone.

It was quite depressing to see actually as I walked by with my triple shot extra foam venti latte.

Just like Fianna Fail soā€¦

Iā€™d say thereā€™s a savage intisity to them

That is actually quite funny that they seriously believed that and heā€™s hopping off the likes at your expense.

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Heā€™s fairly mugged you off there mate. Mugged you right off in fact

Heā€™d never make it on TFK

Maire Treasa from TG4 is making shreds of your earnest and sensible suggestion

Iā€™ve deleted my twitter but had to pop in for a look at thatā€¦ I think everyone lost on that exchange.

The fourth wall is broken

12,793 swabs,
388 positive.
Positivity Rate 3.03%

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Who is this cunt in the black pyjamas?


Thatā€™s a good tweet. Is Cooney a fucking simpleton or just a cunting agelast.

Seems like a fake account to me.

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Not being funny, but itā€™s unclear why Tony Holohan is in work either. I know he is clearly defined as an ā€œessential workerā€ but Iā€™d imagine his job largely consists of an endless stream of meetings and phone calls. This is pretty much the definition of work that the Gov/HSE/NPHET are saying other workers should do from at home. He could do 90%+ of his role via Zoom from his spare bedroom.

Youā€™ve got a series of reporters (out and about) talking to tv anchors (in studio) and interviewing politicians (from all parts of the country) and civil servants and suggesting other workers should ā€œmake the extra effortā€ to work from home and shouldnā€™t be considering doing otherwise unless ā€œabsolutely necessary or there is no other choiceā€

Do as I say, not as I do ā€¦


Sums up how much faith they have in these restrictions. Itā€™s been the same everywhere. Lockdown evangelist Gavin Newsom having a dinner the other night, Pelosi getting the hair done, Neil Ferguson going for the ride etc.