Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

About what bro


Pints by December :pint:

Thinly veiled “Tony started roaring at them”

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RTE has fucked it for us all

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All those little additional social contacts add up and lead to a large increase in cases.

I’m sure Tubbers is morto over this.

We’re just lucky that the RTÉ crew already live in their own bubble.


With no economy we’l be living IN TENTS.

There is no reason for any talk show guest to be in studio. Can do it via zoom.

One rule …

I’ve said it before but it’s impossible to reasonably debate with the zero Covid brigade. McLysaght’s response to Paul saying there have been limited cases emanating from retail was yes…maybe not in the actual shops but people will be travelling to shops in cars and on trains and buses and passing it onto each other through that contact so IT IS down to retail. It’s guesstimate type stuff rather than fact based evidence and just a way to scream for everything to shut down. Same with restaurants and other areas.

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@Bandage could do an undercover video of all the mothers drinking coffee in groups in Dublin parks, then post it on twitter declaring his outrage.

That sounds a bit pervy spying on women in the park.

It would be the amongst the least pervy things he’s done


Was actually remarking to my life partner yesterday about the large amount of people in groups of 3-6 either strolling along with takeaway coffees or congregating outside cafes for chats with coffees in hand. This is both in parks and on the street. Lots of people seem to be ignoring the restriction about only meeting one other person outdoors. Who should I send my video to?

Let’s just clarify that you already have such a video?

No, but I can get one for you by 2.30pm if I stroll down to the local cafe.

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Do your best

Put it up on twitter and watch it go viral. If you send it to someone, it will just get buried with a load of crap. Let twitter work its morally outraged magic.

Gavin Cooney of is currently ridiculing and scoffing at my clearly pisstake tweet about Stephen Kenny and getting likes from Ken Early et al for it. It’s a hard life. Not sure I have the mental toughness for Twitter.