Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Paddy needs the drink taken off him, for good


Holohan will finish the pub for good, thatā€™s his end game here


Thats his underlying motive alright

hā€™on macdonkey
thatā€™ll soften a few lads allright

this vaccine could potentially be a huge anti climax. Hisbollah will do his best to press for social distancing so you will have this limbo period when we drop to say level 2 and try to phase in a vaccine.
Cases will rocket again to 1000+ a day as people wonā€™t give a fuck as they believe there is a vaccineā€¦but in reality . that ll be the hse attempting to roll something out in a convoluted fashion to a small section of society, fellas will be off out drinking again . cases will fly and Adolf will slam down the shutters
.Plus you then will possibly get data that shows the 95% protection rate as advertised does not hold trueā€¦this makes sure that "tonyā€™ remains bossā€¦as the re evaluation of the vaccine takes place on Europe.
Macdonkey then will crush luke o Neill, some LGFA radiologist type will die of covid and we ll be back to march 2020

soā€¦ maybe vaccines arrive end q1 21.then a 6 9 month limbo phase so it ll be 2022 at least before fellas will be going to a munster championship.

my advice would beā€¦and Iā€™m surprised lads didnā€™t cop this from the first lockdown. but if you live a life that has nothing in it but drink dole and watching sport as opposed to actually having an involvement you need to cop on now and get yourself together.
Get a job, study, woman, read, get actually involved in sport. organised crime , something.
All this shit ā€¦pubs tv going to some match , this is all just stuff serious fellas use as an enjoyable distraction, its just nonsense and a bit of fun.
Now if fellas are using this to define themā€¦they are in trouble because now its gone and as a result you are the behest of hoolahan.

itll be a long 2021 for a few lads yet


Have they really said that? Thatā€™s the most utter bollocks Iā€™ve heard out of them yet.

So people behaved better ā€œanticipatingā€ the restrictions that they are now doing in the restrictions? How do people still listen to NPHET?

How long have some of us been saying it?

Heā€™s said this a few times now. Heā€™s a psycho. There are plenty more like him about that will not want to let it go.

All jokes aside, where are the extra cases coming from? If people arenā€™t testing positive how can there be extra cases?

who is this genius ?

Have they been sending samples away foreign so the result of the swab wouldnā€™t count but the case would?

Or maybe a third party private testing crowd who donā€™t notify swabs but do cases?

Thatā€™s all we need. The crowd that let Anglo run riot. The Big Four is a bizarre set up.


I dont know. I cant get my head around this one. They must be getting cases from a source other than the swab data anyway

Other than a backlog getting notified I canā€™t think of anything else

Would not be surprising if NPHET are holding onto a backlog that they can spring this week in anticipation of their meetings with the govt about exiting lockdown.

There are some dangerous lunatics in NPHET.

I wouldnā€™t put it past them.

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I find the NPHET briefings odd. From the point of view that every week they have the floor to get their message across.

It would make more sense to me if the government led the briefing (Minister for Health probably) and draws on the expert medical opinions if required. If NPHET are holding back information from the elected bodies then thatā€™s just shocking.


Initially the government were keen to stay out of these briefings as they wanted to show there was no political agenda in fighting the virus.

Iā€™d say they would love to cancel them now and only have a weekly update controlled by Government.

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The Swabs vs Cases track fairly close in the last 10 days or so.