Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Thereā€™s only one persons phone them screenshots came off.

Or SD sent a screenshot of the message to someone else :man_shrugging:

Whatā€™s the big deal with the messages? Whatā€™s the articleā€™s angle?


SD was claiming the whole thing came as a big surprise to him

on twitter, Tony H is fairly despised

Not exactly a smoking gun. Cases were high already, all Superman said was he was calling a meeting?


This is all needlessly messy.

In the paper they said they got them via an FOI request

Fire Holohan. Defund the NPHET.

Far too much spin going on.


The Irish media are quite pathetic

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This kind of stuff does nothing really to help the situation and get us out of this sorry mess.

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Egghead could learn a thing or two from Leo about deleting messages

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if it was the other way round and holohan got caught lying youā€™d be whooping and hollering.

If I read this correctly - the reason numbers in hospital havenā€™t fallen is because theyā€™re being sustained by patients already in hospital getting it.

But keep the shops, gyms, sports clubs shut etc etc


People need to stay focused on getting all the rte staff fired and not getting caught up in stuff like this.

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Not sure that data is reliable, could be suspected cases, confirmed by a test when reaching hospital are included.

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There is a more interesting stat further down that Twitter thread that says 701 of circa 5k cases in last two weeks are healthcare staff. Add to that the unknown number they have passed it on to in the home assume in line with avg close contacts. As many as 3 of 5k cases being generated by a failure of control measures.

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Close the hospitals and open the pubs

The recent spike in limericks numbers were almost entirely based on a hospital outbreak. Itā€™s run itā€™s course now and limericks numbers have fallen off a cliff again.

But Tony was giving out about students having house parties in UL, so thatā€™s what the media focussed on instead.

There was two hundred and something staff out of the hospital as close contacts last week. How? None of the staff in the hospital should be close contacts if they are following procedures. Why arenā€™t they? What are they doing to stop it happening again?
But sure no one will ask the simple questions, hey look over there thereā€™s young people drinking cans. Grrrrrrrr


Are there anymore? Thereā€™s nothing new here?

Tony wonā€™t be happy with that Supervalu ad