Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Grandad long dead. Nobody allowed to acknowledge it on

Student doctors and nurses?


Thats what they are not telling us. Yet there are plenty of scapegoats out there. Did you see the video from cork last night? Lovely evidence that the public arenā€™t listening?

Media cunts are running with it too

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Itā€™s outrageous the way students have been victimised in the last few days.


Did you see the scenes in Cork? Fucking students are ruining it for everyone.

Typical cant be trusted working low paid jobs and partying. Sure they are all on the PUP. Fines should taken from their parents dole.

Exactly. Take their names and cut their pupā€¦

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You tell me they arenā€™t among the worst affected? Jobs gone, college life gone and getting the blame. Its scandaless

318 cases and 1 death.

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Young people have been sold a pup


Very concerning scenes doing the rounds from Tipperary last night with fans celebrating the football. Brendan and Nuala are losing their shit on Facebook

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Livelineā€™s researchers have been onto curtain twitcher Paudi from Portroe already. Paudi is in his 60s and is fraid if his life of the covid.

PS: Heā€™s happy enough to maintain a BMI of 34 and wouldnā€™t bother with a mask when spraying Roundup on his driveway.


Buff Egan sharing videos on Social media. He could do with a call from Martin Ferrisā€™s mates, the dirty rat


Not sure who it was that was interviewing the head of the vintners association on RTE just now. She finished the interview by saying ā€œwell of course NPHET will look at the numbers and make their recommendations based on the situation at the timeā€ the head of the vintners crowd came back and said ā€œwell no actually because Tony Holohan has said he doesnā€™t see any circumstances under which he would recommend reopening pubsā€ as the interviewer tried to cut him off, ok, ok weā€™ll leave it there.

Another example of an rte head speaking for NPHET, thatā€™s not their job. And then trying to skew the content of the contributions live.

It really isnā€™t good enough.

This kind of stuff should be formally complained to the broadcasting authority.


Mary Wilson.

And will you?


He has emailed the barbers in the past about a dodgy haircut so youā€™d imagine heā€™ll follow up on this one.

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She has form then.