Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Where are you seeing this?

Tony getting ready to celebrate Limericks all Ireland win.

Keep the pubs closed … We’re getting there.

We could be in lockdown for another 20 years so

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You’ve mentioned this a few times. Wher has it come from?

Nice reply cauli. Of course I should have said this year. Well played

Through the medium of cellphone communication
A lot of detail still to be ironed out

Don’t know, don’t want to know. A school is a school as George Lee would say.

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Someone here said there was a SAFE report to suggest that schools added between 0.2 and 0.5 to the R-rate.

Hot Lips is worried that we are not worried enough.

“Dr Holohan also said new research from Amárach shows that the worry level of the population has reduced and is now similar to levels seen in July.

There is a correlation between that concern and peoples’ behaviour, he said.

A third of those surveyed said they believe the worst is yet to come, while 28% believe the worst is behind us - which NPHET considers “significant”, said Dr Holohan.”

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They don’t split it between older teens and younger kids.

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Is he concerned?

You’d have to laugh at Cardinal Holohan’s response to this

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As suspected, they were pulling figures from their arse during the week

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The wheels are coming off for Heir Holohan

He can’t believe people aren’t taking everything he says as gospel


They are storing up cases as suspected

It is significant alright, a third of those surveyed must be mentally unwell

His latest on car parking is my fave.

The ESB Headquarters right beside his office is getting an enormous rebuild so there are naturally lots of cars on the street during the day.

That means that car parks are full and people decided to go back to the office three weeks ago in order to spite his Level 5.

This is the data driven approach to our policies.

I give that street a swerve now, between the ESB offices and losing a lane to cyclists at the end of Merrion Sq it has become a nightmare.

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