Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

We are have maintained what is probably our base level (between 250 - 350 cases) for the past week.
The positivity rate has been very steady and it’s hard to see things dropping much further with so much of the economy still moving.

Fuck you Jahan

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I have never thought I would say this but Regina Doherty is talking some sense.

The rate can’t drop any lower with the schools open. NPHET want an R-rate of 0.5. The schools alone add an R-rate of 0.5.

Sure it’s the same as any flu bug vaccine so. The vaccine stops you getting sick if you get infected but doesn’t stop the infection. The question is how long it takes a population to get vaccinated and how effective the vaccine turns out to be in real life?




which poster?

It’s a UK figure. NPHET haven’t gotten around to calculating it yet

Schools in the UK are more contagious. Only drunks spread the virus here

They’ve only told George Lee the number.

Can’t remember but none of these men would lie to me.

Level 3 Plus

Genius move by the government by making so many changes that the phrase “level 3” essentially means nothing

No surprise really. I’d say that’s a lot of pubs finished off now, they won’t bother reopening and people will have lost the habit of going out for a drink.

252 cases Zero Deaths

Here lads,
The sister in laws father ( or to be more precise the father of the wife’s sister in law) snuffed it last night. He had alzheimers but caught the covid. Will that go down as a covid death?


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Some clown on the news there giving out that he won’t be able to source 30 day aged beef.

You’ll be lucky to be open at all mate.


Tony not happy people aren’t worried enough.