Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Shure he can’t see underground car parks out his window

I wrote a new poem, I call it
The Carparks Lament,

First they came for the pubs, and I did not speak out—because I was not a pub.

Then they came for the Airlines, and I did not speak out— because I was not an airline.

Then they came for the Sports, and I did not speak out—because I was not a sport.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Thank you Tim

Can I just say, Dublin City Centre was absolutely empty on Saturday night. The Guards are just lying when they say that it was busy. Archbishop Holohan has won but he’s still not happy.

“Super Tony” a JG original

The car parks are full he said, to knowing nods.
I don’t need any data to tell me that. I can see from the window.

Devalera levels of egomania, akin to ‘To understand the Irish People, I need only look to my own heart’

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How did he manage to secure himself his own office in the DoH? I thought all the Civil Servants there were fuming that it was an open plan office.

Social distancing requirements. He invented this whole pandemic to get his own office with a sink the snakey cunt.

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This carpark thing might be just whats needed to give the polititcains the impetus to actually stand up to Hizbollah this week. He’s been caught rotten here

A young wan I work with told me it was packed

I was out at 9 o’clock at there was no-one. 2 weeks ago was packed. You need to head out at 5 or 6 o’clock now.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

fair play

Great strategy when caught out by Tones.

NPHET aren’t ‘experts’ - they are geeks who read statistics from an excel spreadsheet.

I walked through Blackrock on Saturday and there were a few out and about. Not packed by any means, I had heard the Guards were clamping down the week before. Of course there was a long line of teenagers with cans heading in the direction of Blackrock Park, takeaway pints are the problem.

The average GP would know as much about Covid as Holohan.

The fear index @Fagan_ODowd talked about. Worrying on several levels.

The real crash for a lot of the LITDF crew will be whenever the lockdown eventually ends and for a lot of them they will realise that their lives haven’t changed at all. They’re imagining that they’ll do great exciting things with friends but for a lot of those boring cunts no-one will want to talk to them and when they do they’ll have nothing to say to anyone.

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You get another nod in his article on Kenny in the 42

The English video is a non-issue - Stephen Kenny’s real problem is that the story went public

The reaction ranged from false reports of what was shown – no, the squad didn’t watch all of In the Name of the Father ahead of the game – to musings as to what should have been shown (one fan on this writer’s Twitter timeline said a better reflection of our now-mature nation would have been to screen Simon Coveney’s truthtelling to Andrew Marr.)