Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The cracked Irish Times login was a great investment cc @FatChops


It’s not sounding great for pubs and again an urban centric solution. Looking at my own town it would mean only 1 pub will reopen so you’ll have everyone congregating there instead of spreading the crowds out across multiple venues.

Dr. Hizbolohan.

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Tony trump to be gone for Christmas

Tremendous bit of business. Much obliged.

Ayatollah Tony will have the dissenters publicly stoned

Let he who has not broken the two metre rule cast the first stone.

I’ve been avoiding this thread lately but am I right in saying Adolf Holohan believes work places are back because a car park near him was full?

Yes, that’s pretty much it.


You wanted decision making informed by data and you got it. Dr. Tony looked out the window. What more do you want? Fall in.


Public Transport operating at 25% capacity might have something to do with it too. Just a thought like.


Would Tony be deliberately making us think he’s incompetent to get the worry index up a bit?

this is the bloke who is heading up the organisation running the country, he’s making up anecdotes now to reinforce his insanity, its frightening to think what they have been doing with the statistics all along

It’s a bit rich at this stage coming out and saying that, when for the past 9 months thats exactly what they have been doing. What did they expect the public to do when they are following their lead in terms of blaming house parties, the GAA, young people, pubs, colleges etc. A ten second clip of people on a street caused the government to discuss introducing new legislation. For fuck sake. They are creating this hysteria. And now coming out being concerned that people arent worried enough? Actually trying to create fear in people. fuck that. Its a highly contagious illness that can cause death in certain cases. Everyone knows that, but the manner in which this is continuing on is causing people to be fed up of the situation and not concerned, particularly for young people.


Holohan saying we’ve gone too far with the blame game?! Is the man on the wind up lately I wonder?

He’s mentally unwell

It was only in light of RTE controversy that he said that. He will want those cunts to keep a seat nice and warm for him when this thing eases off and for reporting on cervical check scandal to be as benign as possible. one hand washes the other…

There was little or no traffic on my journey to Dublin 2 this morning. Like a Sunday morning pre Covid would be my estimation.

If Tony hoolanhan didn’t come back after taking personal time off during the summer he’d easily be the most popular man in the country. It’s remarkable really when you think about it. I’d wonder is he coping with the pressure to be honest.