Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

He’s over due a shot of something the cunt.

Murphy was keeping people from staying at home long before this with all the homelessness he caused.


At gun point preferably.

No Santa Ponza without a vaccination.

Surely forcing a vaccine on someone and preventing them from participating in cultural events is against the constitution and or human rights?

You stoutly defended him and his shit policies around here for long enough.

IHowever, it takes a big man to admit he was wrong, especially on TFK. Fair play.


It was a joke

What’s the latest?

I’m not arsed trying to follow up 600 odd posts

It certainly was. No same person could defend Murphy

Leo was right all along

Battle of the spreadsheets

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You’d think that might have been something they would have thought of before now.

Finally, the government has completely outflanked NPHET. I know my sources at the heart of cabinet (cc @Rocko) intimated that Holohan had been emboldened by the aftermath of his showdown with Varadkar. Nuala and Breda overwhelmingly backed his call for level 5, he got his own way soon after and other countries followed suit too, which only strengthened his hand.

It wasn’t rocket science but they simply realised that Holohan start to ruminate about what HE WOULD ALLOW in December from around this week on, more or less during the Monday and Thursday press conferences this week and next Monday’s too. NPHET tend to carry out a bit of a balancing act; they don’t want to speculate about what will happen after a lockdown too early in lockdown as they want to keep the public focused on following the regulations for the here and now. They’re afraid of “anticipatory behaviour”. So, yes, it was always going to be the start of this week, 4.5 weeks into 6, that Herr Holohan would try to set the public agenda for what would happen next.

The government merely got in ahead of him by briefing the media last Friday so all the stories about returning to level 3 were in the press over the weekend ahead of Holohan’s dire warnings on Monday. Then they had a cabinet meeting on Tuesday morning to discuss exact nature of exit to level 3 and speculation about this kind of drowned out Holohan’s Monday utterances (bar his car park gaffe).

I guess they’re helped by the public, bar the zero Covid freaks that hang on everything McDonkey and Tomás Ryan say, wanting to socialise and see people at Christmas so Holohan’s shouting into the void a bit now. They just made sure to get in ahead of him to put some manners on him.


They need rid of him. Figures were lower under Glynn, he’s a failure.


Exactly. Generally speaking, the public trust team Tony over the government, but that is overriden by the public wanting freedom over Christmas. Once we get to January, Tony will reassert his authority with the public ambivalent towards socialising, having had their fix, particularly if case numbers rise.

We exist by the grace of Tony. Through Him we can beat this virus/the pub trade (can’t tell what the objective actually is)

From the 9th of November before:

However, Dr Tony Holohan has said he is “not anticipating” giving the government advice that would allow families and friends to gather in their local pub for a Christmas drink.

“That is not our advice or the advice I anticipate giving and I’m not going to start speculating any further than that in exactly what we’re going to say," said the Chief Medical Officer.

“I can’t speculate on anything but I can say for certain that pubs will be closed”

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Take that Tony

Another hummer of an article. Perhaps this is how things should have been all along with NPHET purposed as a broad based emergency response committee rather than purely a dep of health/HSE vehicle.