Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Well there was supposed to be another layer of bureaucracy that NPHET reported into affiliated with the Department of the Taoiseach. This body could have collated their work with the analysis from DPER, Finance etc and come up with a holistic plan which the government would implement. Instead that scrutiny never happened and NPHET get to address the nation on the news every day


Tony has plenty of skeletons in his closet. Heā€™ll pay when the time is right.


Hes pushing out the tribunal with restrictions

Itā€™s funny the way they sold the lock down pup by saying it was all about protecting the health service but that seems to be forgotten about now.

There shouldnā€™t be any more restrictions and the government should simply be stressing to have a little bit of common sense while the vaccine is being rolled out.

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Thatā€™s a bit silly kid. The vaccine will take months yet. The virus spreads a lot faster than that if no restrictions are in place.

If from tomorrow there were absolutely no restrictions, just advice to use common sense, how do you think that would work out? Thousand of cases in a couple of weeks and how long before quite a lot of deaths?

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The Government were one month too late with the Living with Covid plan. Cases started to rise in September and they had fudged their whole plan by then.

It still baffles me that it was not part and parcel of the Programme for Government.

361 positive swabs from 12,411 tests
2.9% positivity

Where do we reckon weā€™ll land? 2.5% positivity for the seven day average would be a good result at this stage.

While higher than yesterday the overall trend is still very good. 2.9% positivity rate is one of the lowest since cases went back up.
The 7 day positivity rate is now 2.72%

I donā€™t have a problem with the positivity rate, but it wonā€™t get to NPHETā€™s targets.

We shall see how it all plays out.

In a few years Tony is gonna be a bum on the street we wont even recognise.

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100% and great post by @Bandage as well
Notice Hizbollah is always referring to ā€œIā€ in the statements above.
He is totally undermining himself here and showing that he needs to come on strong, any leader / engineering lead or high level player like @briantinnion or myself never under any circumstances refer to a group action using ā€œIā€ā€¦ it dosent matter if you are the key decision maker , you always use ā€œweā€ and ā€œusā€ , you have to at least make the bottom feeders feel they are at least part of the solution and their concerns have been listened to and inputs taken on board regarding strategy.
The use of ā€œIā€ can show a level of immaturity but that is not at play here, it is just a a lot of defensiveness and a feeling that he feels control is being wrested from him, when a leaderlike Adolf Hoolahan is in control he will use a democratic toneā€¦ he is now going increasingly dictatorial as he is been called out.
A refusal to adapt here and be flexible to the changing environment could be to his detriment


General Holohan wouldnā€™t run a bath, never mind NEPHT, is he even a proper doctor?

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lockdowns are here for good, when this shite is over, wait and see, there will be lockdowns for the likes of climate control and bad storms


Yes, this is what people canā€™t see. The health service is overwhelmed nearly every winter. This is the map for the rest of the century.

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George Lee is still concerned

Hospitalisations down by 33 to 260

269 cases
6 deaths

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Heā€™ll stage the mother of all lockdowns first week back in January the bastard, heā€™ll core varadkaar for this .
Heā€™ll run that meeting at 6pm over Christmas if he has to, himself and Bowers warning people on Christmas day of what is going to happen in January and how a 5 year old child could be attending their grandmotherā€™s funeral in a few weeks if they donā€™t comply to HIS rules

Hes press conference will replace miggle dees Christmas message