Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

There’s people out there who think young people could and should stay at home with their parents to watch Mrs Brown’s Boys/2004 Munster Hurling Final every night over the festive period.

Nothing has since February. House partys will occur regardless. Joe public needs a social life

At night, yes. By day you’ll be entitled to head out to lahinch to sit on a rock.

Apropos of nothing, I’ve a work colleague out at the moment as he fell off a rock :thinking:

Figures not great today

270 swabs from 8,019 tests.
3.38% positivity

Dunno why tests were so low.

They are just trying to get the positivity rate up so they can keep us in lock down for longer.

The number of cases is fine, but it’s the % positive that’s increased.
You’d have no confidence that they aren’t fiddling stats.

They are fiddling the stats 100 percent

The drop in the number of tests is the most ‘fiddleable’ stat, and that is skewed in favour of OIUTF. Nuala and Breda don’t concern themselves with positivity rates

:face_vomiting: this fucking shite has started already.


Lesson of the day, Day 2.

“They are 100 percent fiddling the stats”

You’re welcome.

They’re all at it.

You’d imagine Tony will use some of his emergency stash of cases tonight.

What did he say about NS?

I’ve got family there. Bar a large outbreak in a care setting , they’ve done pretty well in managing it, unless that’s changed in the last few weeks. One big outbreak in a care setting but a lot of life back to normal since the summer, especially in comparison to the restrictions here.

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Ah right. I’ve been in the Old Triangle a fair few times there.

Yeah, they’ve had all bars and restaurants operating as normal since the summer I think so they a decent run at it. No need for €9 or $9 meals there either.

Go outside and do the haka you need the fresh air. You can only stay under the bed so long before it melts what’s left of your brain.

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This may take much longer than first feared.

Simon Harris will be raging that Coveney beat him to the twee “Santa Claus is an essential worker” reference.


Himself and pencil neck will let the children know tomorrow. Coveney is all business running the country not fannying about like harris

As I said before, 50 to 100 was an impossible ask. It’s ridiculous that it was put in a letter with no context.