Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

FF are mad to open the pubs

Willie doesnā€™t give a fuck. Heā€™s the perfect man for this. Itā€™s what the government would like to do they just need someone to push the agenda at arms length to see how it goes. Willie loves a pint

Willie is a pariah in FF now I think, which means heā€™s talking a bit of sense for once.

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WOD is the 2nd greatest Limerick man whoever lived.

After the other WOD

No, after @Bod95

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A unique occasion not to be missed

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McNottheworstofthemey was just on with ciara Kelly saying OIUTF but CPWHI. Criminalise people who have it. Less restrictions in general but donā€™t let people with Covid leave their home.

Wear your mask at the Christmas dinner table you animals.

Defund NPHET

Iā€™d say heā€™d know.

Go on Hisbollah

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Tony aint happy

That doesnā€™t make any sense

This cross.border relations immensely I feel

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