Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

In fairness how did they let some Mick lead the World Health Organisation?


He looks like a recovering alcoholic

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Hook is here to save us.

The first figure is the number of positive swabs, the HSE publish these around 3pm every day.
The other figure is the number of new cases. They never match on the same day but usually balance off by the end of the week.

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Mad altogether.

While Nphet’s advice has yet to be published, The Irish Times understands that the position taken by the public health team is considerably tougher than the approach favoured by Government. It further presents the Government with a trade-off, making clear that any easing of measures in one area should lead to a tightening or maintaining of measures in another area.

All based on scientific data I suppose. Hot Lips counted the cars outside his window and stuck his thumb up his hole.


WHO have been saying that since the summer, it was one of the things that moved me into OIUTF. I don’t understand the rationale behind it.

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No one ever hands back power

George Lee here on about holding onto bannisters coming down the stairs.

Time to end this charade.


In what context? Saying not to touch the bannister?

No it’s like we are trying to skip down the stairs two steps at a time, and in order to do that, we need to hold onto the bannister at both sides.

So when they recommend level 2 on a Thursday and level 5 on the Sunday we were bounding up the stairs

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I actually wouldnt be surprised if that was actual advice

Well leaving grandad by an open window was actual advice so

It’s hard not to get the sense that he’s peddling a metaphor he was given earlier by Team NPHET when they were trying to ladybird it for him


It was some scutter. Even the normally icy Dame Sharon couldn’t keep a straight face.

Lads, stop taking Luke ONeill seriously for fuck sake

TBF Luke O’Neill is the only one of these shysters with any credibility in terms of CV. I don’t think it was he said it anyway

It was I’m sure

Thought it was Nolan. But I could be wrong