Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

He has no say whatsoever in anything

It was Luke who advised on the open window. If my grandfather was still alive I wouldn’t hold out much hope for prising him away from his chair with the Stove on one side and the Super Seyer on the other

My mistake. That’s very funny. Poor grandad stone dead from pneumonia but at least he avoids the minuscule chance of covid.
In defence of Luke O’Neill I think he has a slightly tongue in cheek delivery, and I’m not sure if you’ve heard he has a book coming out


That’s why I said to lads not to take him so seriously

I’d say Simon Harris would have given his right arm to making that statement

They don’t call it the “new normal” for nothing. Its absolutely horrendous.

ROD bate them all to it cc @Copper_pipe @dodgy_keeper

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They have been proven wrong on everything they recommended, particularly at the start. Saying it didn’t transmit person to person, believing China, delaying declaring a global pandemic, saying masks are useless saying its not airborne to name a few. Trump was right to call them a sham. Pulling funding wasnt the way to go about it if he wanted change


The anti lockdowners rowed in behind them not so long ago

Fuck this cunt, I’m having fucking gravy on my fucking turkey. I’d rather fucking get sick than have dry turkey. And I’m fucking holding the banister walking up the stairs. The revolution starts at home this Christmas.


Or you could not listen to him and take it so seriously.

Professor O’Neill has lads wound up something fierce

This is how fucking fascism starts. Is this a serious lockdown or not? Are the regulations serious or not? You’re fucking all over the place and you have been for months. You’re only consistent point is the ugly sneer on your face.

I’m having fucking gravy on my turkey and fuck you.

@EstebanSexface sitting down, eating his Christmas dinner with no gravy. Sham.

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Stumbling up the stairs, tipsy, with no banister. Probably falling and breaking his neck.

Theres no need to tag me when you’re replying to me.

You’re very excitable

Luke O’Neill may as well be Ray D’Arcy when it comes to giving advice. George Lee too.

Pick and choose what you get outraged at

Well it was on one statement where they said they don’t recommend lockdowns. That was based on public health systems getting there shit together to deal with increase in capacity. We weren’t even able to manage that pre covid. Again great headling people clung onto but never looked at the details

I’m glad I live in a bungalow now this bannister business would have tipped me over the edge


Luke O’Neill, the gravy-stealer.

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I hope things improve for you

They’ll improve when I get sitted down to my Christmas dinner and a big boat of steaming hot gravy handed to me by my mother.

You’ll have no gravy, it will be like an idiot tax.

Lash out at me away kid. I’ll be your punch bag.