Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


Holohan bulling tonight, superb.


He’ll have to pull out cases from 2019 tomorrow evening.


Bulling who?

The devil will be in the detail, there could be all kinds of restrictive shite yet, won’t know excactly that until Sat/Sun, but its definitely a big win for the people of Ireland tonight over this unelected Junta

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Tony won’t take this lying down. Project fear will be ramped up again starting with the toy show tomorrow night. It’s a Roald Dahl special.



Are you very confident the wet pubs will open? I haven’t seen it confirmed anywhere

There’ll be deaths from May - otherwise known as deaths “before November.”


All down to the figures, simple as that. I’m relying on you to bring them down with your daily swab reports

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We can do this.

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That’s a very good comparison. In fairness most people in real life are the same as sf though. Nobody has a clue what the fuck is going on really. Unfortunately that includes the ‘experts’.

We are going to do it!

Tony will be announced as a surprise guest by Ryan. He’ll come out and start handing out vials of vaccine to everyone in the audience to huge cheers. They’ll all drink it and turn into mice


“Tony” will have varadkaar bent over a barrel with his pants down around his ankles come January 4th.
He’ ll have the bodies of our parents stacked ten high in Cusack Park and will impose the most savage draconian restrictions


Fuck Tipp

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He will get loads of handwritten letters from children (really simple simons surplus self written letter)

The barrell hell use will be one used as a table in the outdoor dining area of a gastro pub.

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It’ll be something akin to a scorched earth policy in the Boer War . He will aim to destroy the vintners association

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Fuck it. I’m going back up to stay in Donegal for the Christmas.

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