Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Thats been his aim from day 1

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The lad with the long covid will be on, wheezing away while a young lad from Kerry chases him around the studio in a tractor


there could be 5000/day cases by the second week of January.
Macdonkey will be doing cartwells

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Long covid sounds like something brendan Cummins and Davy fitz would be competing in up in the comeragh mountains.



Well that went well Mike

Fuck me the Brits have more tiers than a wedding cake

fucking hell

did anyone log on to the launch of Luke o Neill’s latest novel earlier.

Could there be a copy right issue with his title?

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Dear behindthebushes,

Stop posting random twitter messages from some suck on the internet just because his opinion aligns with yours.


The sexfaces

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:clap: :clap:

Fuck it im going double my effort now. Thanks for the support.

That wasn’t support

In a reaction to govt proposals to open hospitality. Liam “close the schools” says price of life can now be measured in pints, Callum who is a socialite from Dublin cant wait for 1,200 cases in January and lockdown 3.0 and some advocates for NPHET want a vote on rejecting govts proposal. We have done a stellar job in this country in turning half the population into bedwetters. It’s hard to pinpoint when we became so self loathing and lost all fight. We probably peaked as a country at the turn of the millennium but bleak times ahead if we dont find some semblance of a response.


Holohan will be seething. There’s going to be a massive planning meeting over the weekend. He will go in on Martin and Varadkar without lube early next week

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Hospital trolley numbers are down 70 per cent.

a. Does nobody get sick anymore

b. were hospitals full of socializing casualties.

c. Are people more discerning about going to hospital

d. All of the above


We have beaten the seasonal flu.

Casual soccer injuries are obviously way down as well