Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Case numbers have decreased. Deaths seem to be peaking this week. Constant number of available respirators (2000 free allegedly). Hospitals are under pressure the whole time. understands there will be no time limit on how long people can stay provided the tables in the restaurant or gastro pub are more than two metres apart.

What time is that sweaty auk Mehawl due to address us?

@Copper_pipe can you fire up an image copy of this?

What about ‘wet pubs’?

Take away pints only.

What is the definition of “kitchen” for the purpose of defining a gastropub?

You’d probably want a hob. I’m sure there will be some old battered hobs wheeled into pubs over next few days.

A pub connected to a dwelling will have a kitchen but that kitchen wouldn’t be part of the pub per se. Wasn’t there some comment on here that the kitchen facilities needed to have existed in 2019?

is hoolahan beat lads do ye think?
he’ll surely regroup and hit us hard again in the new year.
its a serious humiliation tho. leo debaucherously opening the george and yer man on about a global pandemic

206 cases 7 deaths.

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Apparently mental health has played a big factor in decision to open up. Govt are alarmed by statistics provided by CSO no mention of what specific statistics they are looking at.

Nobody could have known or predicted that Level 5 would have had a negative impact on mental health.


Outdoor masks. That’ll save us

Yes! A national vaccine task force! We’re saved!

No wet pubs basically means nowhere to go on Stephens Day for many.

Probably 3 places will be legitimately open within a 10 mile radius of where I live.

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This cunt wouldn’t inspire a good shite


What could go wrong ???

Jesus Christ, Meehawl is going full Simon Harris.

Fantastic Mr Martin

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