Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Just why is it the GAA gets a pass in Covid restrictions?

Jennifer Oā€™Connell

There is an increasingly marginalised cohort in Irish society whose needs have been largely overlooked during this lockdown. People who donā€™t like GAA.

This demographic includes the silent minority who prefer other leisure pursuits. Those who might have enjoyed a round of golf or a game of tennis over the last couple of months, for example. Those who would have loved to go to a play, and were perfectly prepared to wear a mask and sit two metres in any direction from the no more than 50 other people in the theatre. Those who wanted nothing more than to attend Mass in an almost empty church. Or those who just wanted to see their grandchildren.

In a pandemic, thereā€™s nothing exceptional about exceptionalism. Everyone wants the thing they enjoy to be the thing that is exempt from the guidelines. As weā€™re learning, not everything can be exempt. Still, thereā€™s something particularly special about GAA exceptionalism.

Back in October, sharing his thoughts on Level 5, chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan said he was in favour of the inter-county championships going ahead because it would lift the spirits of the nation. It was, he said, ā€œimportant to try to preserve some of that kind of activity to give us all something to look forward toā€. ā€œThat kind of activityā€, of course, being the GAA.

Itā€™s certainly true that, as a society, weā€™re in thrall to sport generally, and Gaelic games specifically. Otherwise, how to explain the 9Ā½ minutes of peak, 8.35am airtime on RTƉā€™s Morning Ireland given over recently to an interminable hurling qualifier draw? Or the endless, largely unchallenged commentary about why ā€œweā€ needed the All-Irelands to happen this year? Or the broad acceptance that the championship should go ahead when families are being kept apart, and small businesses shut down? Or the reluctance to speak out when GAA club celebrations were linked to outbreaks in several counties in September and October?

Cans on the couch

This isnā€™t about bashing sport which contributes hugely to communities and wellbeing ā€“ at least for those who actively participate in them. Itā€™s less certain what the contribution is for those who sit on the couch at home with the lads, drinking cans while the games are on.

Itā€™s about pointing out that other things make a contribution too. And itā€™s about wanting the rigours of consistency and science to be brought to discussions of compliance and restrictions during a pandemic.

In this context, the case for GAA exceptionalism really hasnā€™t been made. Take all the arguments about why the inter-county championships are ā€œdifferentā€, because they involve serious and elite athletes. This analysis overlooks two things: those serious and elite athletes have day jobs that mean mingling with other people on the Monday morning after a game. And the very public issues with breaches of Covid restrictions have more often been with supporters than with players.

GAA exceptionalism is why, when I was researching a piece on Covid clusters in a particular area in recent months, nobody wanted to be quoted on the record about the extent to which the outbreaks were attributable to post-match partying. They were worried about the backlash it might spark locally. And now it has led to frankly bizarre inferences that the breaches of guidelines surrounding GAA games are somehow less risky or more forgivable.

Asked at a National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) briefing last week about video footage of celebrations following provincial title wins, Holohan ā€“ incidentally a member of Templeogue Synge Street club ā€“ appears to have decided heā€™d had enough of admonishing us about our compliance and ā€œstandards of behaviourā€ and that, in some circumstances, weā€™d all do better to turn a blind eye.

Match vs job

ā€œTeams that win titles and important matches tend to celebrate. Thatā€™s not a surprise. I think we all have to have a certain understanding and tolerance and acceptance in broad terms. I think we have tipped too much as a country into a sense of blame and trying to find the latest person who is in breach of a particular guideline and trying to find a lamppost to hang them from,ā€ he said.Heā€™s absolutely right about the futility of the blame game ā€“ but that benevolence should be extended to all of society equally. This is the same Holohan who, just a few days earlier, was worried people had ā€œslippedā€ and that carparks and canteens were full, as people were ā€œchoosing to come into the workplace and meet up and have engagementsā€. So participating in raucous post-match celebrations is tolerable, but going to your job is reckless?

To be fair, Holohan is not alone in his insistence on special status for the GAA. The GAA itself asserted it in August, when it demanded then-acting chief medical officer Dr Ronan Glynn meet with it and present ā€œempirical evidenceā€ for the decision that all sport would go behind closed doors. Minister for Justice Helen McEntee ā€“ a niece of the Meath football manager Andy McEntee ā€“ has also insisted it was ā€œappropriateā€ for the championships to go ahead because ā€œsport is a really important part of peopleā€™s lives, not just playing it, but watching itā€. She wasnā€™t talking about just any sport, of course.

Weā€™re due to exit Level 5 shortly but it will be a temporary reprieve. So now that weā€™re officially in a strategy of rolling lockdowns until V-day ā€“ that is, whenever it is we get enough of the population vaccinated to declare the pandemic under control, and go back to deciding for ourselves who to hug and when ā€“ it doesnā€™t seem unreasonable to expect that the decisions about what to reopen should be based on facts and that empirical evidence. Not hunches, not anecdotes, not personal value judgments about what lifts anyone elseā€™s mood ā€“ and certainly not the leisure-time pursuits of members of Nphet.

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The reason Jennifer doesnā€™t like the gaa is because people keep trying to play handball on her forehead


Sheā€™s put quite a target on it now anyway

She mustnā€™t be aware that the chicken league and the rubby is on. Not many people are aware in fairness

The article missed a chance to point out the low participation rates and lack of interest in GAA cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

She makes some good points there in fairness. Especially the one about Tony in inverted commas. Obviously not mentioning that rugby and soccer are on too is a bit disingenuous. Then I suppose nobody really cares about them so theres no celebrations after games.

I didnā€™t think Jennifer could outdo herself after her socioeconomic missive on the dryrobe wars last week but sheā€™s only gone and done it.

Itā€™s like a badly written secondary school essay.


I hate you for making me google that. An absurd conflation between WFH and a fashion fad.

Niall Harbison did socioeconomic critique of swimmers better

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Whatā€™s the latest lads?

The GAA lads here are seething and lashing out in every direction.

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Jennifer is a wannabe Protestant. Left the Ursulines in Waterford to go to Newtown.

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As a tangent to Jennifer Oā€™Connellā€™s piece, I see the Indo rubby lad Ruaidhri Oā€™Connor tweeting frustration that thereā€™s no plan or ambition as to when crowds will be let back into sporting events, even on a scale based on Covid incidence or whatever. He was joined in agreement by the likes of Dan McDonnell and Malachy Clerkin. I would like to go to a match soon.

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UK are letting people back to matches from December.

And heā€™s right. The give us the night campaign have made the same argument about the live events sector which got no mention in the government levels plan, not even at level one with restrictions.

Wonā€™t happen til the vaccine at this stage.

what a vile person you are

no doubt Dan was on his defensive LOI crusade with cowzer et al on how the LOI were excellent in their return to play as fans behaved impeccably unlike the gaa.
I put it to Dan that cobh travelling to Longford was no different to a gaa club game , 500 people were allowed attend, one team were students and tradesmen who piled into a mini bus filled with cans for the way back to rightfully celebrate a winā€¦ the key thing was nobody is interested in attending these games so he could dress it up all he liked ā€¦even if they had no restrictions on LOI soccer bar the exception of maybe 3 venues you would have negligible interestā€¦

Dan is still moaning about the gaa club gamesā€¦but its a problem he is envious of

great article

should have pointed out how few people play the sport and that only 1 in 8 people watch the all ireland spud hockey final