Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Iā€™m a critic of government myself. Theyā€™ve been an absolute shambles.

Iā€™m making the point that the opposition is just accepting everything which NPHET suggests as exactly what has to be done which I think is wrong and allows the government to get away with putting in draconian restrictions with no questioning.

Itā€™s also completely idiotic to blame people with absolutely zero authority of autonomy to make decisions in order to deflect way from those who do.

who only went back 48 hours? NPHET arenā€™t involved in the contact tracing?
Why wasnā€™t their advice followed? Who had the budget for resourcing? NPHET donā€™t have a budget

So you want an advisory group whoā€™s advice you donā€™t agree with to be given more power. You want them giving the bad advice and then implementing on it?

The failure on tracing lies with all the bodies involved. NPHET, the HSE and primarily the government.

The problem here is the government are hiding behind NPHET and they are made out to be the big bad wolf. Very hard coordinate a response to an emergency when youā€™re emergency response team are blamed for everything.

Were opposition leaders not briefed prior to level 5. Hence, they all came out in support?


Good to see we got that excuse out of the way quickly anyway


Letā€™s revisit your post.

Criticism of government who have authority and autonomy to impact policies and make decisions :x:
Criticism of opposition who have no authority or autonomy to impact policies and make decisions :white_check_mark:

It takes a bizarre rationale to make that offering, one that need only be explained by an agenda.

At least be man enough to admit that.

What a nonsense point. I donā€™t have to mention something in every single post I make, and I do mention it in an awful lot of them, for it to be my opinion

The decision not to go beyond 48 hours goes back to who directed them, that was NPHET. That is a fact.

It is also a fact that resources were redeployed in August and thousands of people were not hired who had volunteered.

The reason they were redeployed was stated to the Oireachtas was ā€œlow casesā€. 20 a day with a couple of those being community cases which as NPHET stated, they couldnā€™t find the source because of 48 hours which they had directed.

The trick with tracing on low cases, as shown from South Korea, is to be aggressive with any community cases. NPHET did not do their job as instructed properly.

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Not sure about @Tim_Riggins but @EstebanSexface is in charge of contact tracing for the HSE


I agree, your point was nonsense. Itā€™s bizarre to hold people with no autonomy or authority to make decisions or implement to account for the failures of the people who do.

Your point is only explained by your agenda which comes out all too often on here.

Iā€™m struggling to keep up with the forum. Its disheartening.

so 2 days before symptom onset?

this is exactly what South Korea implemented

When suspicious cases are registered and tested, self-isolation is performed until results are obtained. Field epidemiologists begin to trace the contact and path of movement up to 48 hours before onset of symptoms.

they had field epidemiologists, we had public servants. Resourcing numbers and resourcing quality was always going to be an issue here. NPHET couldnā€™t magic epidemiologists out of the ground

For singles only I hope?

Jim o callaghan wavers that way.
The failure of any opposition has been a disaster. Prick and all as mcdowell is at least heā€™s an establishment figure so someone might listen to him

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy , on the subject of the responsibility of the government and the standard of the opposition, this could be an excellent chance for you to proclaim Peadar Toibin as the best politician in the country and the real opposition and absolutely stick the knife into MaryLou.

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They are more of an advisory group. Because of the fuck up in forming the Government for months the caretaker government over relied on them, probably not wanting to rock the boat and accepting the need for an initial lockdown. The problem is that the Government are still using them as the fig leaf and the egos on NPHET are only too happy to fill the leadership vacuum.


NPHET are a public health body. What Iā€™d like to know is whether they consider all aspects of public health when determining restrictions - such as predictions on things like mental health impact and likelihood of non-presentation of other more serious diseases.

Itā€™s seems purely Covid related.

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they are an emergency response team. Iā€™d be fairly sure they are only mandated with the response to the emergency. The other considerations should be pushed back on the health service in the main and the government

Theyā€™ll only advise on the response to the emergency, unilaterally

Their advice should be viewed in that prism. The checks and balances should be applied to that advice by other parties.

I was in Belfast International Airport today, never the most joyful of places but extra miserable today. A very noticeable increase in Dublin registered cars in the carpark though.