Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

NPHET are getting their advice from HIQA it seems,HIQA%20establishes%20COVID-19%20Expert%20Advisory%20Group%20to%20support%20evidence,based%20response%20to%20COVID-19&text=The%20Health%20Information%20and%20Quality,Health%20Emergency%20Team%20(NPHET).

NPHET direct the National Testing Strategy which involves tracing. I have posted this before and you ignored it then as well.

No point going over it again

Ya, so they say what it needs. Who is implementing it?

The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) has endorsed a proposal to enhance contact tracing of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in order to pinpoint the sources of community transmission.

The HSE’s current policy is to question confirmed cases about people and places they have visited only up to 48 before symptoms begin, rather than to the point at which they were likely infected with the virus.

Michael McNamara is the only TD that I’ve heard with an alternative view.


NPHET said Ireland didn’t need testing beyond 48 hours like South Korea which was the standard expected.

They changed it in September when criticised, that’s all on record.

NPHET were present at meetings where it was decided not to deploy more contact tracing resources.

Also NPHET are the HSE. Why so defensive?

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NPHET are an advisory group. I’m not being defensive. I’m trying to figure out what is their mandate. You’re complaining that they haven’t implemented the tracing. They aren’t going to implement anything. They pass the advice and it is implemented elsewhere to their standard or not.

Now if their advice is wrong. Lash away at them.
If the implementation is wrong. It’s not on them

All of the lads posting on this thread. Do any of ye work?

Work smart, not hard


You replied to a post and set our your agenda.

If aren’t man enough to stand over what you say then you shouldn’t say it.

Michael McNamara is effectively the opposition currently .


More of this shit posting from you.

Read my post I linked, it’s all on record. They were charged with being South Korea in March and did not bother until called out on it by the Restaurant Association of Ireland.

Nolan had described this as an academic excercise previously and that Irish people were too forgetful. However according to Chris Johns of the Irish Times, this is what is actually going on;

How is it a shit post? Is it NPHET’s responsibility to implement a tracing strategy beyond giving advice?

Do you know the reasons why NPHET’s advice wasn’t followed?

Is it NPHET’s responsibility to implement a tracing strategy beyond giving advice?

Just answer this question, please

I do stand over what I said. I’m just making the point I didn’t bring up SF, which I didn’t, as much as you wish I did

Mary Lou on morning Ireland the other day pointed out fairly that she does not get access to the presentations the government get from NPHET or the other supporting data, and so it is hard for SF or the opposition to demur, they are not equally informed. If they disagreed on the basis of incomplete information it would be very irresponsible. If they argued strongly against NPHET recommendations they’d be accused of undermining efforts to get the pandemic under control. Its a tough space for the opposition to be honest. It’s a bit silly to be going around saying SF wouldn’t have done any different.


No sorry but you are wrong, it is there in black and white. They direct the National Testing Strategy.

Have a look at all meetings re track and trace, always NPHET there.

All meetings with stakeholders with NPHET there and of course they were, they were directing it.

The first issue came down to them ignoring direction to be like South Korea.

They then lied about it and claimed it was a resourcing issue, when they say there while resources were redeployed and thousands of volunteers were sat on the shelf.

Also NPHET are the HSE/DoH, as @TheUlteriorMotive stated, a surgical mask does not cover that up.

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You’re making a point that critics of government should keep schtum because of what a party with no powers to introduce policy or make decisions says. Utterly bizarre logic.

You haven’t had the balls to be honest and admit your agenda. Why are you focusing on those with no ability to make decisions to introduce policy?

The National Lead for Testing and Tracing is an EY management consultant. Niamh O Beirne.

It is their responsibility to direct it.

They didn’t direct it to be South Korea as was the overall strategy until September when that came out.

They lied and claimed it was resources. It wasn’t, it was because they only went back 48 hours and that wasn’t very hard with 20 cases and a couple of community cases.

And she will lead what is directed. They were not directed to go beyond 48 hours until September.

Is that the same crowd that said Anglo was solid?