Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

CB Byrne egging him on all the way, fear is great for the old ratings


Itā€™s driven by a need for big pharma to make billions. Fuck off sam.

Sheā€™s fucking terrible

This is a new low, even for RTE

This lad looking for zero cases post the vaccine.

The usual RTE pissing on any half decent news. The negativity is astounding compared to what you hear even in the UK.

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Is Claire drunk tonight?

We need to wait for a vaccine, the best minds in the world are working on it trust the science. Also the best minds in the world will say anything and should not be trusted

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She looks well while doing it though.

ā€˜I worked in Oxford, I worked in Gambia, I paid minimum wageā€™

Sam off down to Clontarf yacht club for some nibbles.


Here we go, havenā€™t even opened up yet and thereā€™s a mention of Christmas being at risk. :roll_eyes:

My auld wan was telling me earlier that my cousin has returned from London for good. Sheā€™s been quarantining in a hotel up by Dublin Airport since last Wednesday and is staying the full 14 days there before temporarily moving back into the family home until she gets sorted. I donā€™t know why she doesnā€™t quarantine in her ma and daā€™s house. Just stay in the bedroom and donā€™t mix with them. I was amused and bemused by the situation.

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McConkey in May 2020

Prof McConkey also said there may well be a vaccine within three years, but generally human vaccines take longer than that.

He said despite the idea of one being available early next year, that was ā€œbetter than best case scenarioā€, and we needed to be able to plan for a worst case scenario.

He was talking about 5 years of restrictions in October. Thereā€™s a vaccine that works. Why is he not called out on his nonsense.


Another few hundred quid in the arse pocket for Samuel.


Send her the anthrax link there pal.

I mean antigen. Soz

Iā€™d say he does it for free for shits and giggles.

Do they get paid for appearing on these shows?

Unfortunately, yes.

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She could just get tested.