Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

McConkey desperate to pour cold water on recent vaccine progress. Byrne not challenging him on it at all.

Even I know that details of these vaccines will be released in the next week or two. What the fuck is this cunt on about at the moment? Read the details, then come on national tv. Cunt.

Ah its mad stuff really. Also any anti-vaxer out there would probably have their doubts reinforced by listening to McDonkey tonight.

True, he is a ā€œmedical expertā€ playing straight to the loony crew


Fact. I happened to be watching this with my father in law, who is a complete loop de loop. I could see the hamster turning in his head as McConkey was spouting what was essentially nonsense.

CB wants every one who goes out to order a subtantial meal whether they want it or not but is concerned people arenā€™t thinking about food waste

I hope he chokes on a prawn, the cunt.

3 girls Iā€™m friendly with were flying to Australia for the godolphin flying start work experience and were forced to stay in a hotel for 2 weeks. They then decided to run a marathon in their hotel rooms for charity. It was fairly bemusing/sad watching them maybe run 5 metres in a lap but I guess it was for a good cause.

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Itā€™s only a cunt on Twitter looking for attention


Ah lovely

Donā€™t respond to me again please.

Must be exhausting being wired to think everything the government does is an attempt to ruin your life ā€¦I understand frustration at incompetence of elected officials but the personalisation of every move is really fcukin odd and seriously egotistical.


Donā€™t post such shite.

that fella Neil Clark has a go fund me for an anti-stalking campaign. There is 36 large in it. What the fuck would having 36 large do against a stalker ?

A bit of a tangent from the thread, but related to that, a friend of mine lived with a schizophrenic guy in Iraq. One of the symptoms the guy had, a common one, is a belief that the government is trying to persecute him. He could see evidence of it everywhere, the way that car is parked or the fact the hot water didnā€™t work today was the government trying to fuck with him. My mate was saying how the Internet makes it all so much worse, because the guy can go onto various sites and see literally thousands of other schizophrenic people reporting the same thing and can point at it and say look itā€™s happening everywhere it must be true.

Anyway, I guess thatā€™s what it must be like for the likes of @ironmoth, @Ambrose_McNulty, @Enrique and @Horsebox when they post on here and see other weirdo oddball dimwits reinforcing their own views.


In his defence, thereā€™s a fair chance the government might be out to get you in Iraq


A real increase in traffic this morning. Dr Tony will be like James Stewart in Rear Window this morning.


Cases being north of 300 yesterday is a pretty high starting point in NPHETs eyes with exiting level 5 and it wont take long for those numbers to increase significantly. I hope that they can be managed around these levels for a while as there is a long enough lead in time to christmas.

Government expects case numbers to continue to fall for two weeks.

Will be riddled again within a month. Werenā€™t NPHET aiming for 100 a day? This is what Varadkar asked for when he was looking for comfort this lockdown would work. It hasnā€™t to the extent Nphet wanted it to. Grist to the mill for those who think level three was working and arguably not a huge amount more was gained by level 5.