Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The poor godhelpus having to put chillies in his porridge must be peak RTE covid coverage.


What are those numbers and what did they die of?


Don’t mention Sweden. It drives lads ape

It’s a perfectly valid question horsey. You’re ranting about lockdowns and then making up deaths to support your arguments. You’ve no facts.

I think we’ve been too restrictive in our approach and haven’t made efforts to find ways to relax restrictions where it’s safe and where we should. But also, all of Europe is in lockdown, and Ireland’s case numbers are in a comparatively better place. Italy announced additional restrictions for Christmas today, as opposed to us being in a position to relax.

If you’re going to argue something at least recognise context and maybe provide some facts.

For fuck sake even the most ardent supporter of lockdowns acknowledges there will be deaths because of lockdowns. I don’t know how to copy links on the phone but just Google it there’s loads for you to read up on. It’s the reason why the WHO have warned about using lockdowns as an absolute last resort. Also, the deaths that will unfortunately happen because of the missed screenings, late or missed diagnosises largely haven’t happened yet so how the fuck can I produce data on those?

In fairness to Horsey, to the best of my knowledge there hasn’t been the same investment of energy into creating worst case mathematical models for all the deaths arising from late cancer diagnosis as there has been for covid deaths. If I’m wrong please correct me and Horsey will just have more fuel for his righteous fire.

I was thinking a few months ago that for single people in their 30s you’d have to calculate how more likely they were to not have families if they spend the next X years under lockdown and then value the effect of that on their estimated life expectancy and weigh it against the risks of covid19 on their age group. Obviously no-one has done that.

The Danes are probably closest to what I would have liked.

I had mentioned them back in April as the ones to watch for as they were taking mature, pragmatic and proactive approach. Mature as whilst they locked down earlier than us, they were very quick to tell the population that they needed to get kids back to school and the economy going if there was to be any form of society. They never said the virus was gone but they said people had to get on with it.

They are pragmatic because they have kept the vast majority of the economy open.

Proactive because they have tried mass testing and tracing.

I think the maturity point is key to it, they did not say the danger was gone in April but said things had to get going again. I think after the initial response in Ireland that we veered into immaturity. Covid became the only show in town and the fear grew into finger pointing and irrationality for a section of the population. There was another section of the population, the generally more rational ones, who tolerated the slow reopening as they bought into the idea that we needed to invest in strong systems and improved healthcare. The latter people have mostly turned against NPHET in recent months whilst the former have become devotees.

We shall see how the Danes ultimately get on as their cases are rising, albeit at a far more controlled space than Europe;

The Danes are trying to keep the economy moving as best they can, using things like mass testing on the younger population to try to avoid full shutdowns.

The Finns and Norwegians are doing well as well but I haven’t looked as closely at them tbh.

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They appear to be fudging Lockdowns in state by state so it’s probably a massive problem policing it. Plus the amount of internal travel etc.

I actually think we’ve done okay. Not brilliant but okay.

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Send a scary number out the first Saturday indoor dining is opened, genius by Tones.

George Lee talking about lockdown fatigue on the news… Give me a fucking break George, you absolute lockdown fetishist


What’s the point of daily numbers now.

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To break our will.


Tone Loc - kdown.

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A complete cod.

But sure what can you do, must sort out a digital vaccination certificate passport now ffs to fly abroad. Will that become mandatory for work too is an inreresting one,

At least we havent had any flu this winter so far. Incredible stuff.

Some roaster is after robbing your ideas here @Tank

Jesus christ lads, where is this going to end?

13 deaths

456 cases