Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


Well you defend every and any criticism of lockdowns here so it is a valid conclusion to make.

Great input as ever.


itā€™s the inverse of saying you donā€™t want lockdowns you want everyone to die. Are you that guy?


Yeah weā€™ll leave it there mate.


Are there any countries that have implemented what you would like to see being done?

I suppose Sweden would be the closest.

Do you think the Irish people would be as complaint as the Swedes when it comes to suggested best practice by medics?

During a situation like this yes for a lot of people. Obviously there will be some who arenā€™t but thereā€™s plenty of people who have not been following restrictions now as well.

Have Sweden not close on 3 x times the Deaths to Ireland currently?

Lockdowns are a cunt, but it appears the vast majority of European countries have taken the same steps.

America & UK seems to have frightening numbers of daily deaths currently too.

There is no perfect solution.

Lifeā€™s pleasures have disappeared in 2020 but hopefully brighter days are ahead. The constant negativity towards current government policy canā€™t be good for the lads giving out yards daily.

Stay safe Bro, Dublin jamboree canā€™t function without you.


What about that poor man that canā€™t taste or smell anymore after contracting covid. Have you spared any thoughts for that poor divil?

They have 50% more deaths than us. Iā€™d say our levels of compliance would be worse so fatalities could be much higher than 50%. Would those increased levels of fatalities sit ok with you?

Lockdowns are here for good in Ireland, the public love them

Yeah, what a disaster of a year for deaths in Sweden

Are you comfortable with the number of people who will die because of the lockdown?

Thereā€™s no easy answer. Lockdowns are an extreme measure and should be an absolute last resort but it seems to be the only tool we have used in this country. Contact tracing? Couldnā€™t be arsed. Increase ICU capacity? Letā€™s spend hundreds of millions hiring empty hotels and private hospitals. Plan to roll out the vaccine? Oh shit yeah good point we better get started on that.

America and UK do have frightening numbers alright and both have had lockdowns or stay at home orders so do lockdowns work?

A tough one for the LIDTF mentallers to hand wave away