Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Distressing clip on the Radio 1 this morning. Chap being interviewed from New York said he loved Christmas in Ireland as it was a time to spend with friends and family. He seemed a bit put out that people were being discouraged from coming home. He wasn’t sure how many more Christmases his parents had left. He hadn’t been home for Christmas in 22 years.

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Is he prevented from coming home?

Heartwarming. Coming home, getting a test, complying with all the restrictions, who is to tell him that he shouldn’t.

CĂŠad mĂ­le fĂĄilte, a chara.

He’s good to go this year after being prevented from being here the last 22. As he said himself Christmas is a time for family and friends.


So it was a VISA thing?

He was busy the last 22 Christmases, not as busy this year.

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Busy for 22 Christmases in a row? Who is he, Santa?


@mikehunt is being economical with the truth. The chap runs bars in NYC and he says Christmas has traditionally been his busiest time. They are closed at the moment so he’s coming home.

Based on my experience the run up to Christmas is busy in bars but after that it’s quiet. I’ll give the chap the benefit of the doubt though.

I had heard that returning passengers are now getting a lecture and scolding at Immigration at Dublin Airport @Batigol, lot of tut tutting at people returning after Thanksgiving.

A good old fashioned “ah come on now lads don’t take the piss”

I’d say they’d be quaking in their boots listening to @Batigol alright.

I read it like he has finally got a US lass to marry him so he can go home for the first time in 22 years.

And the rest of us can go and fuck :clap::clap::clap:

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No this is not true. The airport is the national capital of jumped up cunts but that’s certainly not policy

Gutted for all the lads who made a big deal of not taking the vaccine.


Pub goers at number 8.


RTE will have to find a negative angle on this fairly sharpish. I’d wager that some nursing home resident that received the vaccine will kick the bucket in the next couple of weeks and we’ll no doubt have a primetime investigates dedicated to the madness of rushing the vaccine without proper testing. Tribunals, resignations and law suits will surely be sought soon enough. This is a bad day for RTE and the likes


George Lee, Claire Byrne, Ryan Tubridy, Hizbollah, TomĂĄs Ryan, McDonkey Your boys took one hell of a beating