Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sadly RTÉ will abide. There’ll always be the next thing.

Has McConkey commented on the vaccine yet? I’ve a suspicion he’ll be rolled out this week and claim there’ll be 20 thousand cases a day by Christmas Eve if we don’t climb in under our beds.

It’s almost inevitable there will be a person so frail that the vaccine dose finishes them off.

Has Tony approved any of these vaccines?

A good auld genocide and the 'rona will be yesterday’s news.

Nothing goes on without being cleared first by NPHET

The first person they gave it to in the UK is 90


Don’t worry lads, things are looking up…

Still no word from the Chinese since the vaccine news broke. The whole nation is seething they didn’t destroy the world.

There will be quite a few people below 65 in the at risk category, there should be a level of discretion there.

China called me earlier, they’re quite nonplussed

None of us will be tasting porridge this time next year

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This is our generation’s answer to moving statues.

Will the teacher’s unions ballot for industrial action again as they’re not the first to get the vaccine?

You’d wonder why people have kids at all when they’re practically forced to hand them
over to the care of these monsters


Virgin media showing heart breaking interviews with partners of people who died from the virus . I just had to turn it off . I don’t want to hear anymore about it ,so i turned over to rte 2 and two lads were kissing on it . I just turned off the telly altogether.



Sounds like the circuit breaker doesn’t work

that Mark Drakeford hasn’t a notion what he is at, lockdowns are barbaric acts against the people of a country, they don’t work

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