Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Weā€™ll have Joe Bidenā€™s coronation then in January

Jesus yeah trump has been the third big one and heā€™s gone too. What the fuck will replace those three big beasts. Three most newsworthy topics of my life time Iā€™d say.

Did you miss the moon landing and the fall of the Iron Curtain?


Theyā€™re not all as old as you.



Tomo had a column in the Irish Times at the start of the week calling for Zero Covid.

And I thought I saw him on the telly last Sunday.

its ainā€™t over by a longshot


We are still in the middle of a pandemic.

lads down the pub thinking it is over :sweat_smile:

There also wasnā€™t as much ā€œnewsā€ then.

Most buildings arenā€™t.

Or coronary

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NHS advert has a Santa on deaths door rushed to ICU. The fear porn meted out in 2020 is quite something.

Laurence Fox is a mook

Itā€™ll be a long time yet before large gathering events like matches and concerts are allowed again. ā€œThe pressure on the health serviceā€.

3-248 is a fine score. Something a young fella would dream up in the backyard AI. The important score is tomorrowā€™s you know yourself

Forget about Christmas dinner with the family.
We are going to be locked down again by next Monday.

This is unfortunately going to be the hidden cost of focusing the entire health service on Covid.