Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


Me-hawl was on Morning Ireland today saying that he expected the country to ‘completely open up’ by June of next year.

Oh great, the fucking tans have grown a new more cunty variant of the wuhan flu. The cunts.

In fairness they were likely going on his history of being right.

Or blinded by anti-Trump bias

292 Positive Swabs from approx 10k tests.
2.86% positivity rate.

CEO of Northwell (where that vaccine was administered) is from Knockaderry and played minor hurling for Limerick.

A distinctive accent:

511 cases. 7 deaths.

Well between getting it wrong or lying then you can understand why they’d doubt any of his utterances.

Hotlips will be sickened he didn’t think of that first.

Christmas is going to be cancelled.

Ye’ll be glad ye had ye’re fun yesterday

Where do we go from here?

What a cunt of a year. First Limerick win the all Ireland, now this!

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We just have to wait a few more weeks to know if the vaccine that is safe for use on Brits and Americans is safe for use on Europeans and then we’ll be laughing

I went down to the pub for a few pints yesterday evening around 7 and it was all very civilised but I noticed that by closing time most of that caution had gone out the window.

I sang Sean South in clear breach of Covid guidelines.

We are getting fuck all doses until March or April according to Meehawl.

Apparently there was a cluster of cases from Glanworth - 14 cases linked with Fir Grove hotel in Mitchelstown last week. Glanworth GAA was also one of first GAA clubs in the country with an outbreak during the summer. I dont know what the story is with Glanworth but they seem to be uncouth inbred yokels down there.

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is the Blue Dragon still open there?

It’ll be strictly for 90 yr olds in care, people who give it to 90 yr olds in care and RTE staff

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