Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

They need to go in hard here, level 5 immediately

Paddy thought he was doing great there for a few days, drinking pints and watching the hurling, laughing at the Brits, he’ll be locked down savage hard by the weekend


Holohan should be running that meeting tonight. Savage measures are immediately required. Draconian measures

Christmas needs to be cancelled

But shur everyone knew the numbers would go up. Why are they presenting this as a surprising turn of events?


I’ll get a few more in this weekend. You’d want your head examined not to.

Measures need to be introduced immediately or the country faces disaster

It would be insanity to play the football now, too many house parties

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I always knew Limerick winning All Ireland’s would signal the apocalypse


im calling 650 cases on christmas eve with 1700 by 17 January
by god the lockdown from january to march will be something savage

on a serious note - you’d have to be a serious cunt to be going for a test with this thing if you have the sniffles, fellas love being part of the hysteria in this place


It’s sort of like a religion now for some lads


I’m calling 1000 cases by Sunday/Monday due to exponential growth in the community. Serious lockdown measures implemented Tuesday or Wednesday

Wasn’t this the plan all along. Get the numbers down. Open up for three weeks when numbers will rise, then lockdown again for January

Christmas is fucked lads, sorry, ye got complacent

Would you treat someone you know who had covid differently? The dirty disease ridden bastards

Our 6-month had a very high temperature the other evening. Gave him a load of Calpol at regular intervals but he was awake and shivering with the cold in the middle of the night. Brought him to the doctor the next morning who reckoned it was a viral infection (so I was right to nearly drown him in Calpol) but he also spotted a bit of rawness on his throat. I’m required to send him on for a Covid test because of the symptoms, he says. So off we went to Croker handball centre on Saturday afternoon for the test. A load of me bollix. Got the text then on Sunday night around 7.20pm…

“This number was provided for the COVID-19 test of Conor, age 0, taken on 12-Dec-2020.

The HSE can confirm that this test did NOT detect COVID-19 virus. If Conor is a close contact, Conor should continue to restrict movements.

More information is available at or freephone HSELive on 1850 24 1850.”

The “Conor, age 0” bit gave me a right laugh. Oh my days.


How are the hospital numbers

under 200 and 31 in ICU

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The terrible zeros