Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Figures are most definitely on the uptick.
It’s just a question of how quickly they rise from here.

I’d say Holohan has a nice backlog of deaths and cases in storage ready to be unleashed via the Christmas Day figures to really put the frighteners up people.


A marquee for a funeral?!

What’s the general vibe? People are having a go at the family?

id say thats the in tent


I’m not out and about much myself, but know someone close enough to them and that seems to be the way. It seems to be a mix of anger and frustration at the stupidity but also now that there looks likely to be huge ramifications from their actions. I didnt see it on social media until croppy pointed out to me, but the local pub closed down for a few days and put up a message saying how they follow all the relevant protocols etc but a few people slating them over what they did too over it.

Christmas Eve, RTE1
“tonights Carol service at 7-30PM has been replaced by a feature Prime Time special from st, vincents hospital where we will show people dying, if you are near your parents now this could be them in 3 weeks- Happy Christmas.”


Covid19 has destroyed roodle Ireland

Ambulances backed up to O’Connell street with patients in them, it will be horrendous. Meanwhile the rte cameras will be at the airports shaming people, I’ll be like the general leaving the criminal court at Shannon if they are there on Christmas eve. I’ll walk out of arrivals with a balaclava on and run for the exit


You know fuck all

I’d have thought you of all people would have got that quote right.

That post has now been deleted apparently.

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431 new cases. The cat is out of the bag again.

I hope there’s ten thousand tomorrow

Very concerning numbers

Why would you hope that?


The time for dithering is over, lock it down now, and lock it down hard

We’re facing 1000 cases a day again by Sunday, its growing exponentially in the community

NPHET meeting tomorrow L5 back in by the weekend

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That seems very stupid

McDonkey and Tomas Ryan will be back on the airwaves by tonight.