Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Dr Tony’s gift to the nation, a Christmas Circuit Breaker. Take the fuse out of the Christmas tree lights.


This is what happens when paddy is let have a pint, the virus goes out of control

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JP has caused the deaths of hundreds in Limerick.

I heard there was awful scenes in Limerick on Monday, lads were drinking pints in the pub

Holohan needs to stop the All Ireland football final

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He needs to make sure Mayo don’t win anyway or there’ll be no Christmas

I heard of some pubs serving past 11 o clock. Some even served right up to midnight apparo :open_mouth:

Tony’s threats do two things.
Scare people who are already scared and doing nothing to continue doing nothing as they were and scares people who don’t give a shit into going out even more this week

The five day average of the worry index is trending in the wrong direction. Chilli porridge man will be sent out into the media again.

In fairness, the worry index watching seems to work. I would have said the same as yourself but the correlation between it peaking in October and cases dropping dramatically is undeniable.

I think the issue is that they simply gave up on alternative means of containment & went straight to the well on it, with it having diminishing returns as you go on. 1,000 cases a day probably scares a lot fewer now than it did in mid October, will they listen to more fear now?

I guess people looking around Europe might have an impact but the message needs to be broader. In the absence of fear, things like “it’s only a couple of more months of this” will bring some alone. I don’t buy the argument that people “give up” on social distancing because a vaccine is authorised. People aren’t complete morons, give them hope but also speak about the reality. The Government have definitely moved that way and Holohan has come along that path a bit at the start, his initial reaction to the good news on the vaccine was depressing.

Covid buzzword/phrase of the day: “explosive concoction”

RTE One O’Clock News had a good segment from Wuhan. The video isn’t online but the associated article is.

The Chinese have an exhibition open in Wuhan to show how great they were at handling the virus.

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H’on Hoolahan boy
I love when walks in with that leather folder sits down and pushes the glasses up his sron, you know its all over then
he’ll murder varadkaar here

They died happy

Singing gives you COVID. The Late Late show must be cancelled.

Todays figures are bad.

We are now on track for 1,000 cases per day the 27th of December.

New lockdown announced here from December 28th. Curfew from 7pm to 6am. Shopping malls closed. Hotels and Ski slopes closed. Hotels were already closed except for “business purposes”. There isn’t a room to be got in the mountains :slight_smile: still tipping away at around 11000 cases and 500 deaths a day. No sign of it getting below that number even though the number of tests has halved.

Tomas Ryan and McDonkey will be on the media trail this week.

Only one man can save Ireland now, close it down to fuck, tonight, and keep those fucking pubs closed until this thing is over for once and for all