Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

A hard lockdown required until every man, woman, child, pet and beast in the field has been vaccinated.

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close the pubs this time and keep them closed until this thing is over, its beyond a joke what they are doing

draconian measures until next April are needed

I’d have to agree…that or stop selling alcohol.

RTE News quoting the HSE saying we should only meet people indoors that we trust with our life.

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simpletons going to the back door of pubs all over Ireland and spreading their shite, drunken cunts have ruined Christmas for everyone, Holohan is having a field day with this one, well done lads, WELL DONE

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Sure there was a young lad from Kerry there on the news. Riddled with the Covid. And him out playing basketball and trying a few lay ups.

We are at a critical moment and decisive action and leadership is required, a dynamic leader to make the hard calls, is it time to temporarily halt the sale of alcohol? in the national interest?

Some class of a curfew could help?

The real pandemic is an outbreak of PCR testing.

9pm to 7am, and ban the sale of alcohol

484 cases and 3 deaths and still shy about 100 cases from positive swabs. They’ll release a whopper number tomorrow night

Close the off licenses. No more about it.


heading for 1000 on Sunday

3 deaths and 484 new cases.

if they dither and delay untill after Christmas day, they will have blood on their hands, lock it down hard now

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I’ve barely got through a bottle of Bailey’s and they’re ramping up the doom and gloom. New Year’s is cancelled.

2021 could be worse than 2020

RTE predicting the future now as well as everything else


Hon hoolahanski