Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Norn Iron has fallen.

6 week lockdown from Boxing Day.

These rolling lockdowns are seriously depressing. We are hardly 2 weeks out of 1 and there are talks of another. A write off of 2 years for a lot of people.

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Thank fuck thereā€™s a vaccine.

In for an ole test in the morning. Itā€™ll be either Christmas on my own or a free health pass to go on the piss from Wednesday. Hup out tat.


Is an ole test to see if youā€™re a shite manager or not?

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Holohan hasnā€™t much faith in it, lockdowns are the only way forward until the virus is eradicated


Do Not Leave Your House


With regards to vaccine and implications on lockdowns I wont be holding my breath on anything really changing until it actually happens. Goal posts have been shifted continuously. We had a 6 week lockdown before December and were one of only countries in Europe to do so hence our relative low numbers compared to other ECDC countries. Now NPHET are emboldened to roll back on easing of restrictions because of outlook in other countries and they themselves imposing restrictions belatedly. Our ICU numbers and deaths are stable but people on trolleys is new metric touted which has always historically been high this time of year. It was twice as bad this time last year. I dont have confidence in HSE being able to roll out vaccines in a timely, substantial and efficient manner. I couldnā€™t say with confidence that there wont be lockdown 4 or 5 to follow this upcoming one as it will be cited that vaccines dont stop transmission. There just doesnt seem to be any semblance of an exit plan. We will be laggards of Europe again as we adopt a wait and see approach with vaccine.public health officials attitude to vaccine is disconcerting to say the least.


its the behaviour around alcohol is the cause of it, be it at home or in the pub, the Irish are fucking animals, ban it until the virus is eradicated


Zero evidence the COVID vaccines work in elderly and frail populations. You know, the cohort weā€™re supposed to be protecting.

We need to trust the science not some lady feeling something

Fella who got on a bus to go to a funeral in Mayo and said he couldnā€™t wear mask for health reasons got jail for 2 months today. If he had punched the bus driver in the face and drove the bus himself I doubt he would have seen jail time. We are through the looking glass.


Is there any vaccine one can give to a person with a history of allergic reactions?

Where did you see this?

We let Simon Harris down folks, we let him down.

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Iā€™d suspect that someone with an allergy to an ingredient in a biological preparation would be smart enough to not proceed with administration, and instead take their chances with the virus.

Exactly, it applies to any vaccine

George can barely conceal his excitement here

That was some intro from Eileen - ā€œGeorge, itā€™s not looking goodā€ :roll_eyes:

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