Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I do,everyday I play.


Lads the general public are fuckin seething. I was talking to a lot of people today and the seethe at the government and the HSE is off the charts.And rightly so.A fuckin shambles.But what else do we expect with 3 former heads of the HSE in charge.Again a fuckin shambles from top to bottom.


They should just cancel Tubridy as not essential

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The death rate is 1.9% on approx 200k cases. 96 deaths per million population compared to Belgium with 897/million or the UK with 643. Greece has 50 deaths per million. Iā€™d take the death number with a pinch of salt though because during the first wave and the election the Government were actively encouraging doctors to designate deaths as anything except COVID.

The widget news cracked him

No Iā€™m not.

SK would wholesale test a restaurant or risky setting where cases arose.

Ireland did only close contacts.

SK would go back days to find people and find where people picked it up. That is why nearly 35,000 people were tested following the guy who went to all those nightclubs. Thatā€™s why they found 50 odd people in a Starbucks with Covid due to a superspreader being beside the AC.

This is not moving the goalposts, that was the standard we were told we were going for. That is not the standard NPHET directed for until September.

And for all of the surveillance and freedom lines on SK (itā€™s not as if Ireland hasnā€™t radically reduced freedoms), SK had and has vastly more ā€œriskyā€ environments than Ireland that you could pick it up, like that nightclub. Ireland tried for controlled environments but tripped up on the likes of pubs due to public health officials bisases and wanting to be seen to be doing the right thing than actually doing it. So we kept pubs closed, and ignored that they would put in spacing/hygiene/contact details and shrugged our shoulders on uncontrolled house parties. ā€œSo what if people are going to more of these types of parties with no control whatsoever, at least we are being seen to do the right thingā€.

In terms of resources, we redeployed tracers and had thousands of daily tests available in July and August from our 15k capacity. Aside from that, we have all looked at the cost benefit and ā€œwhat is possible?ā€, well these are the days that we close down large sections of society at a cost of billions and huge amounts of personal freedom. There is already a cost to freedom and ā‚¬ being paid. The standard was set to be South Korea, they didnā€™t go for it. They were too interested in thinking they were being smart boys and girls putting in ā‚¬9 meals.


South Korea have legislation around infectious diseases where you are required by law to provide information.

53% of Irish people who were tagged as close contacts on the tracing app refused to be traced

I was talking to someone living in Singapore today.

Everyone has to wear a mask outdoors and groups are limited to five or six persons. Any foreigner not complying with the rules is thrown out of the country. Any local not complying has their passport taken off them.

New arrivals to the country are quarantined on arrival for fourteen days.

Is this correct @Turenne ?

This lady from the HSE Contact Tracing Dr Sarah Doyle is very like Vivienne Traynor .

Maybe thatā€™s because they think the virus itself is a cod and no more than a flu that will only affect 90 year olds. People donā€™t always stay home when theyā€™re sick with the flu. Most of us have gone to work, played matches, gone drinking etc when sick.
The only battle worth fighting now is proving to people that this virus is very dangerous. A majority of people think it is and are following all the rules and are afraid. A growing minority think its not and arenā€™t following them.
It either is or it isnā€™t, proving it one way or the other will be the winning of the war.

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SK have a huge stigma around homosexuality and saw huge numbers of people lying about where they were in that nightclub scenario. That included phones off in these nightclubs. Again, they tested 35k people. They went to the end of the world to find positive cases.

And if we required legislation, we required legislation. And for the avoidance of doubt, no I do not hold NPHET responsible (do not confuse this as NPHET are entirely at fault here) for that but I didnā€™t see anyone pushing for it.

They didnā€™t because thatā€™s not the strategy they went for.

5 new cases in Clare yesterday, lowest figures in a month. 14 day incidence rate on the retreat, seems like the virus is on the retreat. Nphet acting after the peak for the second time?

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My anecdotal evidence is along the same lines. Open dissent at mother and baby boot camp this morning apparently. Government, HSE and, quite disgracefully, the GAA getting lambasted. Why should our main social outlet be banned while the GAA goes unpunished for causing outbreaks all over the country, said Sarah from Clontarf. While the outdoor organised classes have to stop, the ladies are plotting and may continue meeting up themselves at the same time and place for socially distant exercise and coffee.

My moles in Wexford also tell me many businesses have no intention of shutting down, despite not being essential as per the list released by government. Youā€˜ll have fashion shoe shops (cc David Cullinane) and book stores and so on now selling a few lightbulbs and nails, and declaring themselves as DIY stores.

This contact tracing fiasco bates Banagher though. Not being arsed getting this right, claiming to not even know about it, yet still making decisions that will ruin peopleā€™s livelihoods and businesses. FFG are a complete shambles.


Fellas are talking about redownloading Strava.

We really are in the twilight zone.

Itā€™s an exercise app, surely a boost for mental health and a chance for people with little else to do to do something productive :man_shrugging:

last swim with the kids for 6 weeks

no cases related to pools but they are closed

GGA goes ahead despite being guilty of creating this shambles


Boo hoo

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Sea is open.

the sea isnt heated mate

fuck the GGA

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The GAA are getting off scott free here, its a thundering disgrace, there was a load of apes crowded into a pub at home after a county final recently, no social distancing taking place, they have destroyed the country