Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Closing hospitality would be pointless at this stage

We started restricting our movements 8/9 days ago. You could get away with last week but no point risking it this one.

Dr Malcolm McKendrick, from 25 minutes in

Awful scenes in Dublin last night

Here we go with the excuses. Staff shortages :joy::joy:

Getting them in early. This will be a shitshow

Redeploy the contract tracers

If you were in the client service business youā€™d be getting bodies in to address that. Not shrugging your shoulders saying ā€œnothing can be doneā€.

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Sure just get the student nurses to do it for free

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Iā€™ve mentioned this before, but they need to round up every junkie in Dublin and get them to help out with the injection program in exchange for free heroin.


Itā€™s remarkable. A shit show if you will. I presume the unions are the problem. I would say that though. Fuck the unions.


Where did they get this confidential internal document??

Great to see the vaccine roll out excuses flowing already.

I only skimmed the plan they published but I donā€™t think it actually set out a target timeline for completing the roll out. Must be nice to operate in an environment where itā€™s ok to say weā€™ll get to it when we get to it.

I donā€™t see why they canā€™t say now that on the assumption they receive X vaccine in Y number of batches they can have the various priority cohorts vaccinated. That would go a long way to giving the public some hope that thereā€™s a way out of this thing. The Brits did 137,000 in a week, canā€™t be that hard.

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Iā€™m feeding a baby so canā€™t read all of it but the critical deliverables seem to be half a page of text?

And fuckin Wolfgang in Berlin is still looking for the typo on page 348 to be corrected before heā€™ll sign off on the vaccine


Thatā€™s a ridiculous reply.


Previous to this pandemic people rarely if ever got sick at weekends or holidays in Ireland. This meant HSE were able to give staff these days off. There is also evidence that patients actually seem to recover from all ailments during the Christmas period, allowing patients to be sent home which allows staff take holidays. Jesus is a great man.

Unfortunately this virus doesnā€™t differentiate between the days of the week.

Im very disappointed to see you getting cynical about this, youā€™ve been strong up till now.