Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Twitter is starting coming down in favour of cancelling Christmas. I have my ear close to the ground on this one. The public moving before the government yet again.

Twitter is a poor barometer to use as the people who post on are mostly public figures/morons/sock puppets pushing an agenda. I have spoken with a lot of people lately and a majority of them are sick of all the negatively and covid. They would rather open everything up and decide for themselves if they comfortable going to places

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Fear is rising

I’ve always been cynical about the public/civil service in Ireland and their ability to achieve anything close to competency. It exists purely to satisy the needs of the provider rather than the user. People are getting very vexed about Holohan, it’s a shame people are only now realising what the people in power are like. Not surprising that it’s only when their freedom to have a pint in the Costa Packet is endangered that they get woke.


The government gives undue attention to the demands of the Twitter mob. Which is crazy as the 5% of the country on Twitter hates them while 50% of the silent majority who would be generally supportive are ignored.


Twitter is actually the pareto principle in action. That’s where the modern journalist hangs out all day and get a good chunk of stories.


The situation is very serious lads. Awful sense of depression and anxiety around London this morning. Cancelled Christmas is a fucking barbaric thing to do to people.

Empty vessels spring to mind. Many politicians are advised by ex media folk whos livelihoods depended on the twitter world for the last decade.

How do you know that if you’re meant to be locked up

The queen Vic will be more depressing than ever this year

I see the great Tony Holohan has been named man of the year in a today fm online poll. Very well deserved

Adolf Hitler was Time magazines person of the year in 1938. He had a great 1939 for the benefit of all mankind

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Couldn’t edge out Ronnie O’Brien for Time Magazines man of the century :ireland:

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For the first time in this thing I’m reaching breaking point

Keep the chin up. It’ll end eventually. John bull is vaccinating the masses and borris will declare victory as soon as he can. We will still be in the dark ages

764 cases.

Christmas is over.

Who is Ron?
