Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

So its 25-44 year olds fucking it up?? That’s almost the entire forum. Hang your heads lads.
Except @Copper_pipe @BruidheanChaorthainn @anon67715551 @Fagan_ODowd @flattythehurdler @balbec

Mccconkey on radio one looking For zero covid approach :joy:

Doesn’t look like such a bad idea now to be honest. If we’d taken the bull by the horns in June when we had the thing beaten we’d be in a fine place now.

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Build a hard border with the north?

We are banning flights from Britain now.


you’d need the north to ban them too

I don’t think an All Island strategy should be beyond us on this.

Aer Lingus over sold their last flight out of Heathrow last night. Chaos.

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The approach Europe and the “west” took was the typical Irish man’s attitude about going to the doctor about a spot on their leg. “Ah it’s probably nothing. I’ll keep an eye on it.” Six months later it turns out it’s metastatic cancer.

It shouldn’t be, but the proud British patriots of the DUP insist on being loyal to the virus, sorry, the Empire.

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can we unilaterally ban travel with EU nations? Legally.

Arlene will not cut ties with the UK and create a dependency on Dublin, it’s sad.

The lads calling for zero covid wouldn’t exactly know the political or societal ramifications - there’d be a lot to think through.

It makes a whole pile of sense as a strategy given the outcome of success. Relative normality for a sustained period


You’re a great addition to the forum.


“Sigh, gone” was poor Tossi’s response at the airport as he saw it taking off.

there is a version of that story times a million today.

the thoughts of being stuck in that shit hole with nobody around you. Jesus


No but we could restrict it properly. Have testing at point of arrival and or require negative test for entry and back it up with mandatory quarantine facilities (hotels) paid for by the state. It wouldn’t actually be that hard.

The north is the issue. We are not going to close our border with the north and they are not going to sufficiently restrict travel with Britain. To think otherwise is just fanciful. On top of that you need the north and Ireland to be continually in step maintaining very strict restrictions. No chance they would not diverge.

I believe Scotland have stopped flights from London. The DUP mentallers though…

Close everything. Forever.


Are they going to stop trains too? Buses? Cars? It’s a limitation factor at best. The fact remains that zero covid in Ireland is a pipe dream.


@mikehunt thinks having Sidney on his side enhances his arguement :joy:

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