Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

see the nice flat black line. That’s as a result of the sacrifices people are being forced to make.

Do you want to see the big spike before you’ll maybe take a little bit of hardship in your life? Will death justify you not being able to go the pub


The “Fellas just want to go to the pub” argument is a weak way of looking at closing every hospitality business (as well as several more if NPHET get their way) and putting everyone who works in them out of work.

Every day we have a free and open society we balance business and death.

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Man the border and riddle any cunt that tries to cross it with lead.

yeah but there is a highly contagious virus going around that is putting people in the hospital. This isn’t every day.

Places where people converge are understandably targets for severe restrictions.

Using no deaths as your argument against lockdowns is strange, for me that is a sign it’s working Do you want more?

They are rolling out the 32 roll emergency loo roll in supermarkets over the weekend. It was like the sort of paper you’d use in Russia in the 80s.

I think using the number of deaths a disease causes is a valid way of looking at how much or how little restrictions we should have.

why do we have so few deaths?
do you want to wait until people are dying before maybe closing things down a bit?
Cases follow infection, hospitalization follows cases, deaths follow hospitalization. That is just the fact of it.

This is the third time we’ve seen a rise in cases when the restrictions have been eased, almost immediately after they’ve been eased.

Cases fall when everyone is locked away. And they go back up when they have been released. And there hasn’t been any significant spike in the death rates in 10 months.

because we are doing a very good job at maintaining the virus levels since March in this country after initially fucking it up.

this is the situation globally - it is still getting worse.

Screenshot from 2020-12-21 11-03-38

a lot of people are dying from the disease caused by this virus. You’re young, fit and healthy. You’re being asked to sacrifice a bit for people who aren’t.

Shit just got real.

Did you wipe your arse much in Russia in the 80s?


I’ll hang my head if I want you bollox

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you ok?

She’s a credit to Ireland.


This is TFK, you could at least spell ‘argument’ correctly. @Bandage could we introduce penalties for this kind of shite?

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I’ve painted that picture with my imagination brush.

Belfast International Airport

Suffering from mild lockdown fatigue.

I’m delighted.

Who wants to be out drinking shit beer in dirty overcrowded pubs meeting cunts from Secondary school who you really don’t want to meet up with.

Who wants all the hassle & pressure of house visits and playing nice with relations who bore the shit out of you?

All we need is TFK, Weed, Darts & NFL. Sorted :white_check_mark: