Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Shure you kept your doors closed this week when Tony threw you a bone

Thank fuck

That’s pretty shit for people who live in Louth

My plans to go down to Limerick on the 26th could be scuppered

Gardai won’t be manning the roads that day, head on down.

Travel within own county from December 26th is stupid and will be broken by hundreds of thousands of people myself included. The 28th would be more practical. Apart from that gyms left open :partying_face::partying_face: thanks Tony.

Tony wants full level 5. Sounds like what the cabinet are proposing is 4+

The next two weeks are critical.


We need a circuit breaker to save Easter.

Level 5 returning :ronnyroar:

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Level 4+, level 5, it matters not one fuck at this stage. Doesn’t matter what side of the fence one is on, we might start to get back to some bit of normality for the yule next year. That’s assuming theres a relatively smooth role out of the vaccine.

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The Life Support was switched off today for the family member in ICU…

There’s actually fuckall difference between L3 and L5 in real terms


Why the dithering? It needs to be level 5 tonight

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Outdoor sport is allowed at L3. Kicking a bit of ball is great for mental and physical well being

The gym is allowed at L3 too.

Sport and the gym should be allowed at all costs if these lads are serious about public health

Theres not. But at this stage its blatantly obvious that regardless of what level lockdown we enter as soon as its relaxed, the country gets riddled again. As a country we’re obviously not unique. Therefore theres only one solution, the vaccine. But they’ll lock us all up until early spring and take it from there.


What were the numbers today lads?

A shining light to the world

The vaccine has emboldened them to lock it down now. No need to test their systems work. We hear fuck all now about the app of track and testing. It’s just lockdown.

They know the end is in sight as the vaccine ends it. The only hope is they roll out the vaccine with a plan and some efficiency.