Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


TFK has a lot of ā€˜Rage buddiesā€™

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Minimal risk beyond April there, all high risk 18-64 year olds done. Thatā€™s with just 1m doses, Get us trucking with 500k by March and weā€™ll be done by Easter.


A horror show for County Laois tonight

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After watching that youā€™d imagine that SuperValu grandad will decide the safer course will be to stay at home.


Thatā€™s the least of your worries

Approximate daily cases going from 300 -> 700 in 3 weeks when everything opened back up doesnā€™t seem THAT drastic to me. How have hospital numbers and ICU cases moved in that time period?

Itā€™s out of control

The school books were all sent homeā€¦

I was always under the impression that it took 2 or 3 weeks for the numbers and effects of raising restrictions to be reflected in the numbers. I think people were at the end of their tether anyway with the 6 week lockdown and wheels were coming off that before we exited level 5. Iā€™m not sure the new proposals that are being leaked will have any major effect either but the schools being off for 2 weeks should cause some offset.

Ah lads, ye did it again

Gas cunts

What should Ireland do?

Party like the SSIAs have matured again. Helicopter to Cheltenham to pick up the new virus

Duck and cover

mass testing

I used to think we should stare down the virus and then march straight towards it. But Iā€™m coming around to running away from it now. Savage restrictions until every man, woman and child in Ireland has received the vaccine is the only way out. Iā€™m moving into a nursing home next week.


People were warned tbf. Dont book flights home. And that goes for imaginary flights too.

Some lads are having the time of their lives


Posting up tweets from construction sector rugby players. Is this what itā€™s come to?

Try playing the ball and not the man