Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

It’s rugby, it’s all about playing the man

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They almost make it sound like Boris be telling fibs or summit

Suits them to blame the English when it’s the FFG government that imposed a 6-week lockdown so we could spend Christmas with family and now they’re telling us not to spend Christmas with family. We should have listened to Tony Holohan, Ronnie Glynn and Phil Nolan. We should have listened to Sam McConkey and Tomás Ryan. We should have listened to NPHET. We scoffed at zero Covid and now we’re having zero Christmas. We should have listened to Sinn Féin who said all along that we should be guided by our medical experts. We have saved two weeks of Christmas shopping instead of saving Christmas itself. This isn’t living with Covid. This is making it up as they go along. FFG have destroyed lives and people will die because of them.


You’re having a breakdown


Better off listening to your gut @Bandage

Did he sing the King of the Jungle song?

Mary Lou is gone under the bed as well… Things must be bad if they are all aligned

‘Loose’ :rofl:

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Ah jesus.

Ah here.

A real festive feeling on Morning Ireland this morning as a gleeful Mary Wilson asks a rural publican (gastropub operator) if he’s resigned to another lockdown.



That’s tragic :rofl:

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The Army Council have let loose.

Anyone thinking of having a game of cards this Christmas think again. That game of 110 could lead to the guards smashing in your door.

In one incident the Garda used gambling legislation to search a private home where a card game was taking place. Inside were eight people from eight different households.

Michelle is a dim bint with a growing tendency towards tyranny. You take a woman that never had to earn a qualification, career or crust and shove her into a high paid position, it’s no wonder she’s lost the run of herself. At least that incompetent bigot foster hasn’t silenced all around her.

Anyone taking luke, tony, ian young, neil.ferguson etc seriously would need to be taking a hard look at themselves.

Did anyone in the ‘Free State’ make an official complaint about drew Harris when he threatened harassment against citizens?


Someone was reheating pizzas instead of serving fresh food. The virus would thrive there

Pat is on the case now. He will have everything closed down pronto.