Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I’m embarrassed for the lads who’ve liked that post

He probably has never been in a workplace that required safety boots before. They are probably the guest boots at security

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The most annoying thing about that picture id that the vaccine is being used as a political photo op. Got a poster to display for the photo and all. Ffs

Spreading hope in a time of little. Relax.

You aren’t being cynical enough

There’s neer a bit of cynicism in me.

Must be some backlog for tests the youngest got a call this morning and her test is Monday myself and the missus still waiting to hear all 4 of us still ok anyway I’m about to lash into the cans

I saw a fair few cars pulling into the one on the Ballysimon Road yesterday morning. Some craic getting a test Christmas day.

That’s the delivery. Two boxes. Not even a full pallet.


10k doses

We’re going to give 4 days now admiring them…

6 deaths 1296 cases.

All those retired nurses who volunteered back in March should be contacted again about joining vaccination teams.


It’s like a box of cereal you’d see in a hotel kitchen

As sure as eggs is eggs, the HSE can be relied upon to make an utter bollix of anything they’re tasked with.

I expect several thousands of doses to disappear via a dog running off with them.


Someone will forget to plug in the fridge or something

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Or turn it down too low and you’ll be sitting there waiting for it to thaw out before you get the jab.

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They’ll probably vaccinate the office workers first.

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You would think it wouldn’t take too long to train the DF to administer vaccines too. As you said there is a lot of retired doctors and nurse who have volunteered their time. Again there was 60k plus in March who wanted to put on the green jersey. These people have offered there services to the nation for the greater good and instead of being commended for the offer they were ignored.