Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Lockdown till May

What harm.

Iā€™d take it now if thereā€™s a return to ā€˜normalā€™, as per headline. 5/6 more months and have this thing licked

Herr Holohan wonā€™t leave you off that easyā€¦ Be next Christmas pal.

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Paddy is used to the lockdown, sur the last few weeks prove he canā€™t be trusted. Paddyvloves the drink

Theyā€™re hedging. There is no excuse for it once the at risk are vaccinated and the markets will reflect that.


I agree with you but tbh I donā€™t trust this government as far as I can throw them to make a rational decision based on evidence, rather than react to polls and twitter/press opinion


No chance, 12 months if ye are lucky

We only get away with borrowing so long as those outside forces allow.

This fella couldnā€™t look more gormless, the state of those shoes


Jaysus. What a dweeb.

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I may be a moaning Michael but the timeframe to administer the vaccine seems quite unambitious. This isnā€™t a Ewan MacKenna hot take. It came up here over the last week or two and in private too. How is it going to take them a full two months to do nursing homes? Should this not be capable of being done in a couple of weeks? Already leaks from HSE about not having the resources to roll it out and people positioning themselves for the inevitable fall out. Should they not have been planning for how to go about this months ago at this stage?


Iā€™d say it could get moved to depending on availability.

They should be begging nurses to do overtime and pay them the big bucks to get this thing out there so we can all move on from this sorry mess.

Savage :clap:

Weā€™ll be back to the new normal in June

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Nasty post

Ah yeah, letā€™s work them harder.

His mother probably still ties his shoelaces

Some brand of safety shoes maybe?

Boots you townie cunt. BOOTS

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