Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You can be sure they didn’t. Knowing our lads, they’ve most likely paid €20m for a couple of boxes of pen strep


You’d be seriously worried if they even remember to plug in the fridges

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They’ll be blaming the public. The virus does not take time off for Christmas. Don’t lower your guard.

Vaccinations should start ASAP which is tomorrow.

Paddy Cosgrave and McGregor will need to step up again

You’re lucky they’re starting on the 30th. I’d say it took massive amounts of coercion to get them to start before the 4th Jan. Holiday season after all.


I’m not sure you’re right. There’s a different mood around to the summer or autumn lockdown. People are obviously pissed off but there’s less blaming of the government going on. It seemed to me far more agreed the lockdown had to be done this time.

Sure isn’t it in their interests to get everything sorted as quickly as possible. Anyway it’s tomorrow they can start, not today.

Lads need to relax.

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All of Europe is in lockdown and people think we should be different. Knowing what the alternative is it’s a strange stance to have.

We are the outlier, we need to think different.

I was chatting to someone who works in A&E there the other day and they were saying back in March and April they were never as quiet and with people dropping in buns and cakes every day to the “Feed the heroes”, they all ended up getting heavy because of Covid.

More lies

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I read something a few days ago about them wanting all EU countries to start vaccinating on the same day as a show of unity. Perhaps its linked to that.

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All of EU starts tomorrow.

Then its inexcusable. Even if they only made a token effort.

Bridie does the rosters in the hospital and she’s gone back to Mullingar so we can’t start the vaccinations til she gets back. Probably

There’s ten thousand very high risk people who could have some bit of protection a week earlier if they rolled it out now. Considering most of the deaths are coming from nursing homes. It would surely save a life or ten

But sure lookit aren’t ye all locked down ? Where’s the harm like?

The reaction to the vaccine has been completely bizarre. Any mention of it in the news comes with a solemn warning that no vaccine is perfect or this will not end our problems. Meehawl saying we’re in the shit until next October. We have vaccines now so we’ll get around to rolling them out at some stage probably.

The vaccine is our way out of this shitshow, it should have been heralded as a great breakthrough. And every available resource should be thrown at getting it rolled out to the vulnerable and then that’s it, fuck off.


They’ve achieved in under a year what could have taken a decade. It’s amazing.