Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You still had our experts saying in September a vaccine would take 5 years

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Science has done their part, its up to the career civil servants to do theirs.

The vaccine is already 9 years ahead of schedule and lads are losing it over a few days. We need to do this right lads. Relax.

It’s mental stuff. It’s like a prolific serial killer being on the loose, after killing loads of people every week for nearly a year. The cops use international experts to find this crazed killer, whose reign of terror has petrified the nation. But they decide that they’ll leave him off and wait another week or so to make the arrest. The government need to go. They need to get to fuck.


Its amazing alright.

Incredible what can be done etc etc

The germans started their vaccination programme today , a day early, Stating “for us, every day counts”

Bridie and Betty have to sit through a few aul PowerPoint slides before they can be trusted not to get the state sued for puncturing a lung when administering the vaccine.

Double time and a day in lieu for each of the early start, plus 10-am to 3pm with a break, claiming 9-6.

Let’s get er done.

“What an unusual year”

“A year like no other”

:confounded: :gun:

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You are panicking pal. Hold tough

Some lads are gonna combust when they hear that the vaccination of the nursing home residents is only taking place Monday - Friday’s.

Jan and Feb are gone regardless anyway lads. No point getting stressed about it. We are one of the most advanced countries in the world financially etc. As shit and all as our health service is we can surely get this right. Supply will be the major issue. Hopefully we’ll be getting three vaccines delivered before the end of Jan. We’d want a good half a million vaccinated by the of March to have any hope of a summer

This is bullshit frankly. We are supposed to be closed down to save the health service, not to give people extra time off.

If other countries can get it going tomorrow, so should we. And if we want the excuse of tired workers (this is the emptiest hospitals have been for years FYI), we need to incentivise people to conduct the jabs.

This is supposed to be the emergency of our lifetime, not a chance to have a few extra Baileys.


No chance. We will be back to relative normality within weeks of other advanced countries. The US will have tuned the corner by April 1st and we will be quickly behind.


Do you think we’ll get the big crowds at the big sporting and music events this summer?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday he sought to reach a vaccination rate of around 150,000 people a day within a week, and to have inoculated over 2 million Israelis by the end of January.

Israelis not farting about anyway.

I can understand the frustration but ffs most of the board here has been pissing and moaning for the last 6 months about this thing being harmless with no effect for all… Now roaring the vaccination isnt coming quick enough


I’ve already earmarked Tay Tay’s cancelled “Lovefest 2020” tour as my great return.

She has managed to put on two albums since then. We are going to get the concerts to end all concerts. If the HSE has the productivity of Swifty we’d have a good chance of normality by Easter weekend.


And the rest

It is for the vast majority though, yet we can’t do anything. Obviously everyone wants as quick a rollout as possible though clearly